Oily skin generally appears shiny, has rough pores and is prone to pimples, blackheads and blemishes. In oily skin, the sebaceous glands produce excess oil which oozes out through the pores of the skin giving it a shiny look. Oily skin could be due to heredity, hormone levels, diet, pregnancy, humidity, or due to the kind of cosmetics used. The excess oil secreted by the sebaceous glands is more during adolescence and decreases with age. But oily skin does not develop wrinkles or does not show signs of aging very early as in dry or normal skin types. With a little care, oily skin can appear naturally beautiful.
Home Remedies for oily skin
- Apply a mixture of half a teaspoon of limejuice and cucumber juice atleast 30 minutes before bath.
- In case the skin is too oily, adding a few drops of eau de cologne will help in refining the skin pores, thereby acting as astringent and preventing pimples.
- Mix half teaspoon honey with egg white and one teaspoon lemon juice. Add fuller's earth or brewer's yeast powder. Mix into a paste and apply. Remove after 20 minutes with water.
- Mud/clay mask is best suited for oily skin types. One teaspoon of clay powder (green) and a teaspoon of raw honey should be blended well, and the mixture can be applied on the face and left for fifteen minutes before rinsing with lukewarm water. This is safe enough to be repeated at least thrice a week.
- Applying dilute lemon juice (equal portions of juice and water) and rinsing it with lukewarm water and then again with cool water is also good enough for oily skin.
- Aloe vera gel has good healing properties and can be applied as and when needed. Similarly, lavender is also proven to be good for oily skin and can be used several times a day.
- Make a pulp of raw papaya and apply. Papaya has a cleansing action, softening dead skin cells and aiding their rem ova.
Recommendations for Oily Skin
- Keep a bowl of water in the fridge and splash this cold water on your face 3-4 times a day.Cold water will not only leave you feeling refreshed but will also tighten the pores.
- Follow up the cleanser with an astringent as this will remove all excess oil
- Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water each day.Water helps flush out toxins from the body.
- Use an exfoliant twice a week. These skin scrub products contains little granules that, when used with a small brush, provide deep cleansing.