Strawberries is Healthful Snack

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Strawberries, fat, ripe and delicious Rube scent is a favorite summer fruits. And this year, made a rich harvest supermarket shelves "during the summer. Low prices in some areas a good price and a wonderful gift.
But did you know that the glass can be beneficial for your health? As we all know that nutrition experts recommend five servings of fruits and vegetables a day, usually the people behind this recommendation eating. So here is a delicious way to the goal of a balanced diet.

Strawberry is full of nutrients needed to stay healthy. This includes vitamins C, K, B5 and B6 and folic acid, copper, manganese, magnesium, potassium, riboflavin and omega-3 fatty acids. A source of unsaturated fatty acids - essential for normal growth in young children - is an alternative to the non-fan of seafood antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, cell degeneration. Do not worry, all with your ability to text or surf the Web from your phone to do.

All these nutrients are strawberries in a natural health promotion in his heart. Vitamin C not only increases the immune system, but also to combat cardiovascular disease, supporting the body produce collagen, which is a necessary component of the blood vessels. Vitamin C also contributes to good health by reducing the incidence of cancer and stroke. It is also beneficial for eye health. Perhaps as vitamin C for good reason another healing properties of this fruit is due to the high content of flavonoid. What is flavonoid? These water-soluble molecules (composed of carbon and hydrogen) are also an antioxidant and arytenoids, which are responsible for the color of fruits and vegetables. The popularity of flavonoid has increased owing to its ability to stimulate immunity against allergies, cancer fighting effects of free radicals and preventing oxidation of low density lipoprotein reduces the risk of atherosclerosis.

While you cannot help you understand all the science behind the structure of these nutrients, it is important to note that fresh fruit like strawberries a lot to take to the table when it comes to health and wellbeing. And because they are better than the food we eat, we can make better decisions. There are large blocks of meat and cheese.

Returning to the epicurean delights of flexibility as it seems, in contrast to the logic that something can be as decadent as chocolate covered strawberries good for you actually. This perennial companion for sweets of all shapes and sizes is also loaded with flavonoid. So go ahead and double dose of nutrients the body. Not just mad, you need calories (one cup of strawberries contains about 45 calories and about 150 per ounce of chocolate).

You can find many delicious recipes that are part of the strawberry Smoothie smoothies and pastries, cakes and jams, this is an almost infinite variety of ways to eat this delicious fruit. Try fruit salad with strawberry yogurt and get the extra benefits (better digestion and immune system function) of cultures of probiotic bacteria.


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