The Vegan Diet

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Let me introduce you to Donald B Ardell, from Florida, US, a gentleman with much wisdom, an ardent promoter of wellness and someone who has taught me a lot over the 23 years I have known him, especially through the 673 editions of his [ Ardell Wellness Report]. Don is a four-time world champion triathlete in his age group, which is past the seven decades post.

Recently he became what society labels a vegan, someone who doesn’t eat any animal foods whatsoever. Below is my edited version of what Don wrote recently, followed by my response.
Don Ardell becomes vegan
Thanks to the initiatives of my dear wife Carol, I have studied and followed a plant-based diet. This way of eating is much more disciplined, focused and restrictive than my usual pretty sensible food pattern that was basically aligned with U.S. Dietary Guidelines. I did not, until recently, see any reason to change my diet pattern, which complemented a lifelong vigorous exercise routine. Prior to the recent change, I ate small portions of lean meats and lots of seafood, along with plentiful fruits and vegetables and only a moderate amount of sweets and fats. I avoided the deadly stuff.

While I'm fond and respectful of animals and supportive of living lightly on earth, I have not carried such good intentions to the level of role model in practice. Sure, I was all for environmental sensitivity, but not to the point of becoming an actual vegetarian, let alone going as far as this new plant-based vegan regimen. I enjoyed fish and lean meat dishes, now and then. But, until I got involved in this plant-based situation, I've been more talk, less action. I put aside thinking too much about unpleasant realities, particularly the nature of modern mass harvesting of sea life, the cruelty of slaughterhouse practices, and the chemicals in play that support production speed and shelf life of animal products.

My dietary habits took the dramatic new turn I've been describing one day while I was in Burlington, Vermont for the national triathlon championships, staying at the home of my friend Judd Allen, eating feasts of barbecued chicken breasts one night and all-you-can-eat whole lobsters the next. Carol, who stayed home, was watching a television program about the transformation of the appearance and health of former president Bill Clinton.

Mr. Clinton, if you have not noticed, is today a lean mean machine, fit and free of the heart problems that plagued him during most of his pudgy, out-of-control years in office. (That last sentence was a reference only to his diet.) The former president has become a born again, plant-eating enthusiast, describing the nature and touting the benefits of his new vegan diet. (Though he does, like yours truly, occasionally depart from perfection by tasting of the forbidden non-fruits every so often.)

Mr. Clinton makes frequent reference to the influence of Dr. Esselstyn and his colleagues Dr. T. Colin Campbell, author of the bestseller, [ The China Study] and to Dean Ornish in California, who also has written books about a plant-based approach to [ heart disease avoidance and reversal]. All three were key figures who inspired Mr. Clinton's diet reforms. The former president claims he now lives on beans, legumes, vegetables and fruits. He abstains from all dairy products. He claims the diet has changed his metabolism and accounts for his 24-pound (11 kg) weight loss, which is about what he weighed in high school.   
In the CNN interview with Wolf Blitzer, Mr. Clinton said his concern over a worsening heart condition led to radical changes in his eating habits. He did the research and learned that 82% of people since 1986 who followed a plant-based, no dairy, no meat of any kind diet healed themselves. Their arterial blockage cleared and calcium deposits around their hearts broke up. As noted, this interview was fateful for me because my wife was watching. Then she did additional research on her own and, when I returned home from Burlington, I discovered my diet had changed, as well.   

Previously, I had paid little attention to the names for those who followed one kind of plant-based regimen or another. I thought vegan was a Star War character - now I am fast becoming one - and I realize it has little to do with science fiction. Actually, the Esselstyn approach is even more ambitious that simple vegetarianism or veganism (if that's even a word): the Esselstyn plan also eliminates oils, dairy and takes aim at a few other things as well, such as caffeinated coffee. I still miss seafood, but less now than in the beginning of this experiment! No, I have not yet given up REAL coffee.

After reading about and practicing this approach for a few months, Carol and I had occasion last week to travel to Orlando to attend a lecture by Dr. Esselstyn at the University of Central Florida College of Medicine in Orlando. The good doctor gave a talk, well supported
with illustrations that made it easy to comprehend the technicalities of how the plant-based approach reverses heart disease and, best of all, prevents it in the first place. He is an excellent speaker and a charming, knowledgeable and likable person. My only concern was that he looked way too skinny. If I ever start looking that gaunt, I'm going to make my way to the nearest McDonald's.  

Thanks to recipes in plant-based cookbooks such as __Forks Over Knives__, the meals served up by Carol have been delicious. I do not feel deprived in any way. I'm not going to exaggerate or get carried away, but I must confess that I am no doubt more beautiful and virtuous than ever because of this diet. In addition, I'm younger, stronger and faster, have higher morale, superior bowel movement and no doubt more antibodies for resisting diseases and Republican presidential candidates. In addition, I'm basically tax exempt and I've been getting better gas mileage.

**Glenn’s response**
Don, I admire anyone who can change their eating habits. Most adults can't or won't. Be proud that you have the will to do so and then be grateful that you are fortunate enough to do so. This is a planet where broad estimates are that 1-2 billion struggle to get enough calories and 2 billion abuse the freedom from starvation by over-consuming calories. Many of the latter will get a health benefit from choosing your style of eating. A plant based diet is more gentle on the planet than is a burger-centric diet.

I am not a vegan, nor likely ever to be. From family history and having had my mitochondrial DNA analysed I have a southern European background where there was a clear survival advantage from consuming dairy foods. I enjoy low-fat milk and yogurt, as well as experiencing cheeses from around the world. Humans have eaten eggs for eons. They are a great source of lutein for protection from macular degeneration, and nothing is easier than an egg for a quick nutritious meal - omelette, frittata etc. 

All wise people seem to be in agreement that humans evolved as seafood and meat-eating animals. Early humans were never too far from the sea, estuary or river. There has been a strong argument that cooking gave our brain evolution a kick-start so we would become clever and devise easier and more efficient ways of doing things (we've over-stepped the mark on efficiency now, making slobbishness the default position of many).

Considering the diet that allowed humans to prosper as a species, and blending that with both nutrition and an acknowledgement that we will have 9 billion mouths in 2050, I believe the flexitarian diet to be the best for affluent nations. Simply put, for my 21 meals a week, 16 are vegetarian (including dairy and eggs), 2 seafood, 2 chicken, 1 meat, allowing for natural weekly variation. All snacks are vegetarian. 

My version of flexitarianism also respects the eating style of others, so I will eat any meal offered to me by friends or relatives. I have lived with a family in Spain and will soon live with a family in Buenos Aires. There I will eat what they eat. This choice is made easier as I don't have any food allergies or intolerances. Will you now get fewer dinner invitations Don?

I say to you, with love and respect naturally, that your previous diet is likely to be a better choice. Once you have ticked off 70 birthdays your gut's ability to absorb vitamin  B12 is diminished and a vegan diet is low in B12, as well as being low in iron, zinc and calcium, all essential minerals for long term health. It is believed that vegans need 150% of the recommended dietary needs of iron because iron is less bioavailable from plant sources when compared to animal foods. Sure, you can take supplements to make up the difference, but I suspect that won't suit your thinking.

As always Don, it is your choice, and one of the greatest freedoms in life is to have a choice.

Glenn’s response
Don, I admire anyone who can change their eating habits. Most adults can't or won't. Be proud that you have the will to do so and then be grateful that you are fortunate enough to do so. This is a planet where broad estimates are that 1-2 billion struggle to get enough calories and 2 billion abuse the freedom from starvation by over-consuming calories. Many of the latter will get a health benefit from choosing your style of eating. A plant based diet is more gentle on the planet than is a burger-centric diet.

I am not a vegan, nor likely ever to be. From family history and having had my mitochondrial DNA analysed I have a southern European background where there was a clear survival advantage from consuming dairy foods. I enjoy low-fat milk and yogurt, as well as experiencing cheeses from around the world. Humans have eaten eggs for eons. They are a great source of lutein for protection from macular degeneration, and nothing is easier than an egg for a quick nutritious meal - omelette, frittata etc. 

All wise people seem to be in agreement that humans evolved as seafood and meat-eating animals. Early humans were never too far from the sea, estuary or river. There has been a strong argument that cooking gave our brain evolution a kick-start so we would become clever and devise easier and more efficient ways of doing things (we've over-stepped the mark on efficiency now, making slobbishness the default position of many).

Considering the diet that allowed humans to prosper as a species, and blending that with both nutrition and an acknowledgement that we will have 9 billion mouths in 2050, I believe the flexitarian diet to be the best for affluent nations. Simply put, for my 21 meals a week, 16 are vegetarian (including dairy and eggs), 2 seafood, 2 chicken, 1 meat, allowing for natural weekly variation. All snacks are vegetarian. 

My version of flexitarianism also respects the eating style of others, so I will eat any meal offered to me by friends or relatives. I have lived with a family in Spain and will soon live with a family in Buenos Aires. There I will eat what they eat. This choice is made easier as I don't have any food allergies or intolerances. Will you now get fewer dinner invitations Don?

I say to you, with love and respect naturally, that your previous diet is likely to be a better choice. Once you have ticked off 70 birthdays your gut's ability to absorb vitamin  B12 is diminished and a vegan diet is low in B12, as well as being low in iron, zinc and calcium, all essential minerals for long term health. It is believed that vegans need 150% of the recommended dietary needs of iron because iron is less bioavailable from plant sources when compared to animal foods. Sure, you can take supplements to make up the difference, but I suspect that won't suit your thinking.

As always Don, it is your choice, and one of the greatest freedoms in life is to have a choice.

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