Used Cooking Oil Dangers to Your Health

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For those who like fried foods now there is news to be more careful to eat foods using cooking how to cook in advance, use cooking oil repeatedly will give a bad impact on your health due to the high level of saturation, some literature explaining that cooking oil used repeatedly can be triggered from a variety of cancers.

Some health experts recommend using cooking oil not more than three (three) repetitions.

Cooking oil is an option because it is cheaper, but the actual use of used cooking oil is very dangerous to health.

Based on the research, have found indications of disease caused by fried foods using cooking oil, such as coronary heart disease and even cancer. This is what ought to be cautious.

Repeated use of cooking oil at high temperatures will cause the hydraulic fat into free fatty acids are easily oxidized, so that the oil becomes rancid and form trans fatty acids can lead to health problems associated with the metabolism of cholesterol, high blood pressure, and heart

Not only that, the repeated use of used oil will also form acrolein is a compound that causes intense itching in the throat and cause coughing. And that is not less dangerous, this oil is a carcinogen that can cause cancer.

Therefore, experts recommend eating foods that contain saturated fat less than 10 percent of the daily intake. Sources of saturated fats generally come from fat meat, milk fat, butter, lard, coconut oil, palm oil, and palm kernel oil.

In addition, every time you want to fry food, start frying process at the correct temperature. The oil is used for frying should range between 175-225 degrees Celsius


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