Definition of HIV - AIDS, what is HIV-AIDS ?

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Definition of HIV - AIDS, what is HIV-AIDS ? - HIV and AIDS are two words that we often hear in their daily lives is more famous because of the danger of this disease is increasingly large.

So, what is HIV - AIDS?

Understanding HIV

HIV stands for 'human immunodeficiency virus'. HIV is a retrovirus that infects cells of the human immune system (mainly CD4 positive T-cells and macrophages-key components of the immune system cells), and destroys or impairs their function. Infection with this virus results in decreased immune system constantly, which would result in immune deficiency.

The immune system is considered deficient when the system can no longer perform its function to fight infections and diseases.

People who are immune deficient (Immunodeficient) become more vulnerable to various kinds of infections, most of which rarely infects people who are not immune deficient. Diseases associated with severe immune deficiency known as "opportunistic infections" because these infections take advantage of a weakened immune system.

Understanding AIDS

AIDS stands for 'acquired immunodeficiency syndrome' and describes a variety of symptoms and infections associated with the immune system. HIV infection has been ordained as the cause of AIDS. HIV levels in the body and spread of various specific infections is an indicator that HIV infection has progressed to AIDS.


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