Heart Disease In Teens Due to High Cholesterol

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Usually found with heart problems in older people. But his influence began during the early part of life itself.

A survey conducted by the Centers for Disease Prevention says a fifth of young Americans have an increased risk of heart disease. Also 20% of American youth have the following problem: large fat cells, low good cholesterol and bad cholesterol is high.

All three are typical symbol of heart problems in the future.

Cholesterol is a waxy substance that is involved in the metabolism and is important for maintaining cell membrane permeability and fluidity. Even milk contains large amounts of cholesterol. Cholesterol is present in varying degrees in all foods containing animal fat. Plant-based foods contain no cholesterol, except as they are added during preparation. Basically, saturated fats and trans-fats added while preparing meals play a greater role in raising blood cholesterol.

In the final analysis it was found that the younger generation is not solely responsible for these changes in the activities of the diet. As the world began life speeds depending on the item cheaper groceries. Products prepared foods such as pizza, chips and cold items involving big fat in that it led to the unusual formation of fat and affect the health of adolescents.

Small lifestyle changes such as eating a healthy and balanced diet and regular exercise can go a long way in addressing this issue.

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It's not about replacing margarine with butter, or eating food prepared in olive oil or coconut oil. Your body needs a balanced diet that includes the right proportion of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. The idea is to avoid bad fats and trans-fats at all costs. Saturated fats also cause high cholesterol, but natural, raw fats do not cause harm if consumed in moderation.

Due to advances in science, changes occurred in education through through the net, video games and television have a huge impact on them. So the teenager was found to lead the way to stop living and have turned as addicted to television. Physical activity along with changes in food habits have to be changes made to the younger generation. In children the day before it has a habit of involving themselves in some sports activities.

It is very important to change the diet balanced and perform more functions for a period of at least 15 minutes to reduce the level of cholesterol in the body.

You can read our cholesterol guide to know more about how to reduce the risk of heart disease.

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