Nine food abdominal pain reliever

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Is abdominal pain, nausea and other stomach disorders often interfere with your activities? Abdominal pain due to unhygienic food or due to travel far to make it very uncomfortable. Maybe the doctor just advised to take the medication and ask you to wait until the nausea passes.

But it turns out there is an easy way to relieve abdominal pain or nausea, with food. As reported by Health Me Up, there are nine foods that can overcome the problem of light on the stomach.

1. Banana
Bananas are known as fruit that can cope with abdominal pain. "Bananas contain potassium which you need if you have a lack of fluid due to vomiting or diarrhea," says Robynne Chutkan, MD, an assistant professor of Gastroenterology at Georgetown University Hospital, Washington, DC. Bananas also contain sugars that can increase energy.

2. Rice or starchy foods

White rice, potatoes and wheat can relieve nausea. Carbohydrate foods can aid digestion and has a calming effect abdominal pain. "Foods that contain carbohydrates are not buried in a long time in the body and does not cause acid reflux (back flux of gastric contents into the esophagus)," said Amit Bhan, MD, a head of Gastroenterology services at Henry Ford Health System, West Bloomfield.

3. Applesauce
Applesauce can relieve nausea because it is easy to digest, treating diarrhea and add calories. Apples contain pectin which is good for the skin as well as give you the fiber for bowel obstruction.

4. Bread

Bread does not cause acid reflux so that you will feel better. Serve the bread with butter or jam. Create a menu to reduce nausea in your stomach.

5. Warm soup

Hearty soup that could be a solution if you're having trouble in the stomach. Broth containing water and salt is great for adding fluid. "The soup that contains lots of salt can help take the fluid when it is absorbed by the blood," said the doctor Chutkan. If you have high blood pressure, reduce salt in the soup.

6. Biscuit
Biscuits are easily absorbed by the body and reduce nausea. In fact, many doctors recommend eating biscuits for women who experience frequent stomach aches in the morning. As long as you do not have high blood pressure, saltines preferred as an upset stomach.

7. Herbal tea

Herbal tea can soothe stomach problems. Chamomile is most often used as a herbal tea can cure colic, colitis, and as a sleeping pill. However, do not over-consume herbal drinks, especially peppermint tea. Beyond benefits, peppermint can cause an increase in heartburn symptoms.

8. Coconut Water
Coconut water also helps relieve abdominal pain. The content of water containing natural sugar calories and electrolyte additive, such as potassium to control blood pressure. In addition, coconut water is not made of artificial materials, like food coloring or the like which can cause abdominal pain.

9. Ginger

Ginger has been known as a way of relieving nausea. You can create your own concoction of ginger. Provide a few slices of ginger and add to the warm tea. Tea may reduce your nausea.

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