Tumor Characteristics in Children

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Rapid advancement of medicine that many tumor treatment that has been found as a herbal drug to the tumor and non-tumor herbal indicate that the disease still haunts us and everyone, including small children.

There are 2 types of tumors, namely benign and malignant. This malignant tumor that usually contain cancer cells. One of the tumor that can invade the child is brain tumor. Brain tumors invade the brain. Both malignant and benign tumors would give the same weight problems because the brain lies in the skull cavity limited extent. The impact of these two tumor types are the same, the structure of the damage and central nervous system function. Symptoms to watch out for:

1. The special feature on the baby is large protruding crown.

2. Headaches are common and never healed. In the more severe stage is when the child change his body position such as from sitting to lying position, the headache will become more so, or it could be when a child sneezes then the head will hurt.

3. Headaches accompanied by nausea or vomiting that burst, reduced visibility

4. Will result in the child's brain tumor is difficult to remember. Difficulty to remember that not happen in normal frequency.

5. Children with brain tumors will often have seizures

6. Disturbances in vision or other senses.

7. Changes in physical conditions such as walking seems to be abnormal or impaired balance, slow response culprit.

Knowing the symptoms before the tumor develops will be very helpful in the treatment. (Mew)

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