Wary of HIV-AIDS in Children

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The HIV virus is a type of virus that is most feared by everyone. Because HIV shut down the immune system and result in a person susceptible slightest. The high rate of HIV-AIDS in Indonesia, not in spite of one's lifestyle and lack of information about the dangers of this virus.

In Indonesia, the history of the virus is fairly alarming. Based on data from the Ministry of Health, the incidence of HIV and AIDS among women increased from year to year, which is 13 per cent (2001), 21 percent (2007), and reached 33 percent in recent years. Three provinces in Indonesia which has the largest HIV-AIDS cases are West Java, Jakarta and East Java.

The results Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Bandung, showed only 40 percent of men with HIV receive antiretroviral therapy and are willing to disclose their disease to their partner. Some others do not want anyone to know that he is living with HIV, including his wife and partner. This causes women more easily infected and will also have an impact on children. In addition to the child can be infected with HIV by their parents (with HIV) at delivery, breastfeeding, and through other media such as blood transfusion, they also bear the moral burden of the disease status of their parents.

In an effort to alert and prevention of HIV transmission from parents to children, early detection is required at all levels of health services including HIV screening for all pregnant women, and partner notification (pair detection). Cooperation between government and communities are needed to combat HIV infection. The government also appealed to the public to always live a healthy life and avoid deviant behavior, so as not to harm the future generations.

Host Winarso, deputy program and Orwil Java - Bali National AIDS Commission (NAC) said, "The partnership program between the private sector, government and NGOs play an important role in the provision of universal access to treatment for HIV / AIDS for everyone. It also has the potential to reduce the under-five mortality is part of the Millennium Development Goals or MDG's by 2015. "

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