Characteristics and Symptoms of Polio Virus Infection Due

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Polio paralysis or poliomyelitis is a disease or paralysis caused by a virus. Polio disease is not foreign in the community. Typically most cases of polio in children, but it does not mean adults can be free from polio.

The cause of the disease polio

The cause is polio poliovirus (PV). These viruses enter through the mouth and nose, then multiply in the throat and digestive tract. The virus can enter the bloodstream and flows into the central nervous system causing muscle weakness and sometimes paralysis (paralysis).

The risk of poliomyelitis:

  • Yet polio immunization
  • Traveling to areas where polio is still a lot
  • Very advanced age or very young
  • Sores in the mouth, nose or throat
  • Stress and physical exhaustion extraordinary that weaken the immune system.

Characteristics and Symptoms of polio

The incubation period usually ranges poliovirus 3-35 days. Common symptoms of attack are people with sudden paralysis in one limb after a fever for 2-5 days. Polio can be divided into 3 types, then each - each of polio disease has symptoms / signs - a sign of its own.

  • Non-polio paralysis: Non-Polio paralysis causing fever, vomiting, abdominal pain, lethargy, and sensitive. Muscle cramps occur on the neck and back muscles feel soft to the touch.
  • Polio spinal paralysis: Strain poliovirus attacks the spinal cord, destroying the anterior horn cells that control movement of the trunk and limb muscles. In patients who have no immunity or have not been vaccinated, the virus will usually attack all parts of the trunk spinal cord and brain stem. However, patients who already have immune paralysis usually occurs in the legs.
  • Bulbar polio: Polio is caused by a lack of natural resistance that affected the brain stem involved. The brain stem contains motor neurons that regulate breathing and cranial nerve, which sends signals to the various nerves that control eye movement; trigeminal nerve and facial nerve associated with the cheeks, tear glands, gums, and muscles of the face; auditory nerve that regulates hearing; glossofaringeal nerves that help the process of swallowing and functions in the throat; movement of the tongue and taste, and the nerves that send signals to the heart, intestines, lungs, and nerves that regulate the movement of the neck added. It is imaginable type of polio caused the death.

Prevention of poliomyelitis

Poliovirus is highly contagious and incurable. This virus attacks the entire body (including the muscles and nervous system) and can cause permanent muscle weakness and paralysis in a matter of hours. Transmission of polio virus could spark the mouth of saliva, feces can also from polio. Some ways of preventing polio:

  • Polio immunization is usually done when the baby or child. Polio vaccine there are two types of vaccine Salk (polio virus vaccine inactivated), and sabin vaccine (polio virus vaccine is active). In patients with immune system disorders sabin vaccine can cause polio.
  • When the cooking water should be boiled to perfection. With high temperatures can quickly turn off the polio virus, otherwise if frozen or low temperature the virus can survive for years.
  • Get used to living a healthy lifestyle
  • Good sanitation and clean

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