You may not know what is going on there diluaran. When the Upik school friend was suffering from a rash (for some reason), sent home suffering from severe flu, or some close friends suffer from sore eyes. So, when should parents care? What to do?
Here your children common diseases that you should be aware of, both infectious and non infectious diseases. Also some tips on how to keep children healthy and recover optimally.
Flu and Colds: Contagious
No wonder if the disease is often referred to as the transitional disease. Most children suffering from flu can be 6 to 10 times a year. Some of the symptoms include flu, sore throat, coughing, sneezing, and pain all over the body (sort of stiff in the joints). These symptoms can be felt for a few days or even weeks.
The flu virus can be spread through droplets (saliva spray which can be very small, Ed.) Of people suffering from the flu. Can be infected when you are around people who sneeze or cough.
In addition, children can also be contracted directly from the nose or virus in contact surfaces, such as walls or pillars, toys, tables and chairs and much more. Especially if the child does not use muzzles that can often touching your mouth or eyes.
Give children the flu vaccine per year to prevent it. You can also reduce the risk of transmission to get children to wash hands frequently with warm water and soap. Children should also learn to avoid direct contact with a friend who has the flu, for example, sharing food or using the same utensils friend.
When infected with the flu, children may be fussy because they suffer from some symptoms, such as fever, muscle pain, and excessive fatigue. Unfortunately, there is no drug that can cure the flu exactly. But you can make a child feel as comfortable as possible while being infected with the flu. Acetaminophen and increase fluid intake may be given to ease the pain of children. Gargling salt water can also be done to relieve a sore throat. If necessary, give or evaporation inhalation to relieve the congested airways with mucus. If symptoms do not subside and the more severe symptoms, you should talk to your doctor about ways to relieve the symptoms.
Mouth Disease, Hand and Foot: Contagious
Mouth disease, hand and foot or Hand-Foot-Mouth-Disease (HFMD) is a disease that often affects infants and children under 5 years. Symptoms generally suffered, fever, rash in the mouth and skin.
Viruses cause HFMD can be transmitted through saliva, nasal mucous and fluid from the mouth or skin rash infected person. Children can also be contracted from touching some objects or surfaces touched by a sick person.
Get children to wash their hands to minimize the risk of transmission of HFMD. Children also should avoid direct contact with patients, as well as sharing eating utensils and food with other children. If a child with HFMD had come to the house, do not forget to wash some utensils and toys that can spread the virus. Then, do the disinfectant using a tablespoon of bleach and 4 cups of water.
There is no specific treatment for HFMD patients, but you can reduce the symptoms suffered by the child. Give acetaminophen to relieve pain and fever. Mouthwashes and sprays with analgesics to reduce pain due to rash in the mouth. If you are concerned with developing symptoms, try to contact your doctor.
Sore Eyes: Contagious
Sore eyes or conjunctivitis, is irritating the eyes and inner ear. Symptoms include eye pain, itching, pain, heat, redness, sensitivity to light, swelling of the eyelid and lash line, and tear production are relatively more.
Eye disease can be caused by viruses, allergens, bacteria and irritants. Eye disease caused by bacteria or viruses, are generally obtained because the children often touch the eye when his less than clean.
To protect yourself well from eye diseases, make it a habit to wash hands frequently with warm water and soap. You can also equip children with hand sanitizer or hand gel (we recommend using an alcohol-free hand gel) to minimize the risk of eye disease. Do not allow children to share towels, pillows, washcloths and other items with sick people's eyes. And, if there is a sick eye in the house, separate laundry and clothes and towel from the others. In addition, patients laundry with hot water and detergent to prevent transmission.
Generally mild eye pain will heal itself over time. Artificial tears and cool compresses can also reduce the suffering due to dryness and inflammation. However, if a child is suffering from fever eye pain, visual disturbances, headache, more severe redness for a few days, consider contacting the doctor to get the prescription drugs needed.
Stomach Flu: Contagious
"Stomach flu" is actually not related to the flu (influenza). But this is actually a term for gastroenteritis or inflammation of the stomach, which refers to the stomach upset caused by a virus. Perceived symptoms include abdominal cramps, diarrhea, fever, vomiting up. Usually this disease will heal itself within a few days.
Children can suffer from gastroenteritis due to direct contact with patients or eating food contaminated with bacteria, less clean, or touched by people.
Keep children away from people suffering from stomach flu. Familiarize children to wash their hands often, especially before eating and after using the bathroom. Teach children not to share food and utensils with other children. Teach children not to put his finger in the mouth.
There is no specific drug to cure stomach flu. Give your child extra fluids to keep him hydrated. In addition, try children get enough rest, avoid spicy and fried foods. If necessary, adjust the child to get soft-textured foods such as gelatin (a kind of pudding), bread, soft rice, or bananas. Only then can eat as normal in small portions, but the frequency often. If the child still refuses to drink less or drink (especially in children aged 1 tahunke the need to drink once every hour, Ed.) Should consult a physician. If the child is younger than 1 year old suffering from vomiting and diarrhea, contact your doctor immediately and do not wait for further symptoms.
Disease Fifth Disease or Cheek Redness: Contagious
The disease is usually spread in children of school age in the 4 seasons. Generally in the winter and spring. Usually diawai with mild fever (warm), headache, and runny nose. But its main symptoms are redness of the cheeks started making it appear like you just slapped cheek. This redness can spread to the body, arms and legs.
Diseases caused by parvovirus B19 can be spread through saliva, nasal mucus and phlegm.
Disease fifth disease is highly contagious, especially when you're in a phase of runny nose (before the redness began to appear), so it is often difficult to prevent. Children should be prevented from contact with children who are suffering from coughing and sneezing. Also, get used children wash their hands before touching the eye area especially-the nose and mouth.
In the fifth disease, which is not too bad, try young enough rest. If necessary, give acetaminophen or medications to treat symptoms of itch relief. However, parvovirusB19 can cause serious complications in people with weak immune systems, chronic anemia, and in pregnant women. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor if symptoms of fifth disease encountered.
Eczema: Not Contagious
Eczema or atopic dermatitis may infect one in 10 infants and children. Eczema usually begins with itching of the face, elbows and knees which then spread to other parts including the scalp and behind the ears. Redness can get better or go away with time, although can be infected again in the future. The cause of eczema is mainly related to the genetic and environmental.
You may not be able to prevent children from eczema but can prevent spread throughout the body. Dry skin, eczema is often a trigger occurs. You should always try to keep it moist, especially a child's skin after bathing. In addition, try baby wearing clothing made from a soft and absorb sweat like cotton. Avoid using perfumed soaps or lotions (including bubble baths) as it can irritate the skin. Recognize the symptoms of skin infections and care as early as possible.
Cold water bath can reduce itching. Consider the child to see a doctor to get a prescription and recommended treatment. Some medications such as corticosteroid creams or ointments, topical medications, tar preparations, anti-histamine, which may be prescribed by doctors to relieve itching. Similarly, topical and oral antibiotics, may be prescribed to reduce the infection causes redness.
Ear Infections: Not Contagious
Many of the children 2 years old tract infections middle ear. Allergies and the Flu is often blamed as the cause. It triggers the bacteria growing in the middle of the ear canal. This causes the channel is blocked eustachian tube, which connects the middle ear to the throat channel. Consequently, there is pain, fever and even with hearing loss.
Although the ear infection is not transmitted from one child to another, but the disease can trigger a flu-like infection in children. This will increase the opportunities for children to ear infections.
Reducing the risk of ear infections, help children keep their distance from people who are sick and washing hands frequently. Avoid children from cigarette smoke can increase the risk of ear infections.
If the child has a fever from an ear infection, give acetaminophen to make it comfortable. Other than that, take your child to see a doctor because they may need antibiotics. Although there are many conditions of the ear infection healed with time. Most of the symptoms of ear infections will go away in a few days.