How to whiten the face Naturally

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how to whiten face fast
how to whiten face fast
How To Whiten Faces -Face is the most important body part in supporting a person's appearance and Enhancer believe everyone to mingle and interact with others.

Have facial skin glow and looks white is probably almost everyone's expectations and most wanted this typically female or womenfolk. But it does not cover the possibility of men also want their skin face Appears white and radiant, and one of them my own hehehe.

Well specifically for the Indonesia usually means they will do anything to make her skin can look clean and white, there are natural treatments that do exist also does modern treatments, such as using beauty products.

However if you are using the beauty product beauty products you use aim which has been terekomendasi by the beauty experts, doctors and already had a certificate of authorization issued on production of BPOM.

Well if you want to make your face look white and clean but you want to try the natural way by taking a moment to read the article how to whiten the face naturally below.

How to whiten the face naturally that is worth for you to try:

Whiten The Face With Lemon

The content of natural antioxidants found in this fruit, make a lemon you can use as a natural way to whiten the face. In addition to whiten the face of lime juice also works well to restore an enlarged pores become smaller again.

As for how to use are:
Prepare one lime fruit.
Prepare also a grain of chicken eggs.
Squeeze of lime juice and take its course.
Then combine the lemon juice, water and egg whites.
DAB or DAB the mixture of lemon juice and egg whites onto the arean face evenly.
Let stand used to be don't (cleansed first) about 15 or 20 minutes.
Well it was only 15 minutes after you flush your face using warm water.
Working on routine this way before you want to sleep at night.
Whiten Face With Bengkoang
Vitamin B1 and C the beneficial both to eliminate bengkoang black stain that arise on the face, other than that both the content of this beneficial as well to make your skin becomes brighter and white glow. So no hayal fruit this one used to be one of the main ingredients in the manufacture of beauty products.

As for the means of application are:
Prepare to taste the fruit of Pachyrhizus Erosus
Peel and discard the Peel jicama
Clean wash fruit peeled jicama.
Then grab and shredded jicama, grab a fruit which could be summarised only.
Put the juice into a container of nodes that Yam bean
Let sit approx 20-30 minutes, or until the white sari bengkuangnya deposits visible.
Nah wear sari jicama last deposition to natural and let stand until the mask dries diwajah.
The final step of clean washing face with clean water.
How to whiten the face with milk
One of the benefits of natural Milk is giving your skin Looks fresh and naturally, milk is also beneficial both to eliminate dead skin cells on the skin so that your skin can be teregenerasi again.

As for the trick is as follows:
Prepare white condensed milk or creamer to taste
Take a few drops of milk
Then apply kearea your face evenly with the help of fine cloth
Let sit for about 20 minutes or 15 minutes and rinse face with clean water
Do this routine every day before you go to sleep.

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