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Keep the eye health of radiation monitors
Friend, how are we to keep the eye health of the influence of screen monitor? There are many ways actually. But, let's search for tau first what the dangers of radiation monitor screen for our eyes.

The monitor screen is used and sold in the market are very diverse. Starting from the tube up to screen plasma TVs. Good level of absence for different kesehatanpun for each type. Good level whether on health is affected by high low radiation emitted. But, what is called the radiation? What kind of radiation is dangerous?

Radiation can be interpreted as the energy released in the form of particles or waves, radio waves, electromagnetic waves, x-rays etc and including radiation. What kind of radiation emitted by monitors? Monitors emit X rays, UV rays and electromagnetic waves. If excessive intensitasnya third, the rays are not good for health, is no exception. You can read our article about how Radiation Threatens human health

What are the consequences if I was in front of a computer screen in a long period of time? As a result the eye will be poignant. especially once you are in front of the screen menitor over 12 hours. Read also the habits that can damage the eye.

And now back to the question of how to keep the eye health of radiation monitor screen? The answer is as follows,
Use glasses County, using eyeglasses made specifically for people who often work in front of the monitor screen.

Use the monitor radiasinya low, each type of monitor have different radiation levels. Emission of radiation from CRT screen is quite large and rather small LCD. So, use an LCD screen only. in order for the risk of smaller radiasinya.

Don't see a monitor for too long, in one day, our consumption of the screen monitor is less than 12 hours. Why? because most people will be poignant eyes after 12 hours in front of the monitor screen. Pedihnya eyes is not a good sign for the health of the eyes. So don't be too long in front of the monitor, sitirahatkan body and your eyes for a moment.

Use method 20-20-20-20, with the method of so-called 20-20-20-20? Metodi like this is the method that has been loaded in the Daily Mail. One of the strategies to reduce the negative impact of the use of the computer screen. How do you do? Do I wink 20 times every 20 minutes, distancing the view for 20 seconds and point our view to the object distance is 20 feet. So that, you can apply, especially for relatives who work in front of the computer.

Adjust the brightness of the monitor, it's also worth noting, you can set the level of brightness of your monitor screen, do not be too bright, also don't be too opaque, which is mediocre.

Located at a safe distance to the monitor, a suitable Distance is around 45-50 cm. by setting the distance is not too close, then we've reduced the impact of radiation, the monitor. The radiation released would be

more melamah along with increasing distance to the source radiasinya.
Five way above you can apply anywhere to reduce the negative impact of viewing screens monitors for the health of the eyes.

Later, my friend got a little experince a problem the computer screen. So, almost for 2 full days, he was in front of the computer to do its job. Then, what happened? Its task is complete. But, her eyes so sore, sore, I thought it was very painful because of her story to me like that. So, to avoid things like that, especially for the health of our eyes in the twilight age later, you can do the things that have been mentioned above.

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hopefully helpful

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