How To Cure Hemorrhoids Naturally At Home

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Piles or hemorrhoids are a result of swelling of veins around the rectum or we can say that it is a swollen and inflamed blood vessel in the rectal area. Hemorrhoids are painful, swollen veins in the lower portion of the rectum or anus. Sometimes, it is too painful with bleeding.

Hemorrhoids or hemorrhoids are vascular structure in the anal canal at the normal stage. They become hemorrhoid or piles, when swollen and inflamed blood vessel in the anal area.

The hemorrhoids are generally occurs excessive pressure on anal or around the anus, Exorbitant or chronic constipation, the highly chronic diarrhea, sometimes, it may be a genetic or hereditary disease. In women, sometimes it caused by anal intercourse, during and after pregnancy by excessive pressure. These are the common causes for hemorrhoids. It generates itching and irritation on rectal area, but careful about that, do not rub at these condition.


This article about curing of hemorrhoids is based on the following contents:-

S. No.
1. What is the hemorrhoid?
2. Types of the hemorrhoids
3. Symptoms and sign
4. Causes for hemorrhoids
5. Hemorrhoids Treatments
6. How to treat hemorrhoids naturally at home
7. Natural healing and care methods
8. Painless hemorrhoid treatments
9. Diet precautions
10. Special Advice

Types & Symptoms of Hemorrhoids (Piles):

Generally hemorrhoids or piles are divided into two types of sores, they are-

(1) Internal hemorrhoids or piles: - This is a condition of painless bleeding on rectal or anal. It is present at inside the rectum and sometimes, it may come out with pressure during bowl movement.

(2) External hemorrhoids: - In this situation, Swelling and pain in the anal or rectum area, they occurs all around the rectum area.

Also sometimes, they become very itching, irritating and clotting at the skin and may become a hard lump. This also is called a thrombosed hemorrhoid or piles.
    Common Symptoms and sign of hemorrhoids -
    • If the hemorrhoids are internal, then there is no problem such as pain and itching.
    • If the hemorrhoids are external, then you may face pain and bleeding during bowel movement.
    • Presence of lumps around the anus or rectum area.
    • Itching and irritation in the skin around anus.
    • Blood may come out with stool during bowel movement.
    Causes of Hemorrhoids:

    The most of causes have been discussed in this article. Further, we will discuss about these causes in detail -
    1. Excessive pressure on anal or around the anus.
    2. It may be a genetic or hereditary disorder.
    3. In women, it may occur during or after pregnancy.
    4. It may be a result of anal intercourse.
    5. Chronic constipation.
    6. Chronic or highly diarrhea.
    7. Lack of nutrition diet.
    8. Excessive weight lifting.
    9. Overweight person is easily affected from hemorrhoids.
    10. Excessive intake of spicy, fried & fast food.
    11. Lack of physical exercises.
    12. Lack of proper and routine diet.
    13. Anal infections and Cirrhosis.
    14. Medication reactions.
    15. Irregular lifestyle, stress and lack of fluids in the body.
    These are some common causes for piles or hemorrhoids. Some common effective remedies and natural care will definitely treat hemorrhoids fast. By taking some simple remedies you can quickly get rid of hemorrhoids.

    Natural Home Remedies To Treat Hemorrhoids & Piles

    (1) Aloe-Vera

    Take some fleshy and pulpy leaves of aloe-Vera, cut them and take the pulp or gel which is found in the middle of leaf. Take a teaspoon of aloe-Vera gel after eating food.

    Note: - It can be a reason for digestive problem, so use it after consulting a specialist. Sometimes, apply or rub this gel on infected area to get relief from pain and itching.

    (2) Radish and Turmeric Remedy

    Eat radish along with turmeric or cut radish into small pieces. Then add some turmeric powder on them and eat it. It is very useful in hemorrhoids.

    (3) Triphala - The Magical Remedy

    Triphala is mixed form of three fala or fruits, so it called Triphala. It is an ancient medicine system in India to cure many diseases. Take 2 or 3 teaspoons of triphala powder at night, when you are go to bed. Use it continuously.

    Note: - This is permanent medicine in any kind of hemorrhoids. Keep in mind that, it will be a long treatment or it can be take a year to cure permanently without pain. But Remember, it is permanently treat the hemorrhoids. By using this you have no need to surgery.

    (4) Apple Cider Vinegar

    Apple cider vinegar is one of the most natural remedy for weight loss & hemorrhoids. You can use it by soak a cotton piece into apple cider vinegar and apply it to the hemorrhoid area. Follow this method at least two times in a day on affected area.

    Precaution: - Diabetic patients should use it after consulting a doctor; excessive use of apple cider vinegar is harmful.

    (5) Treatment using Lemon with Milk

    Lemon is very effective fruit in many diseases.In this method, we would need to take lemon juice with milk. We should use the method below, because milk may burst (Fermented) after mixing of lemon juice.

    The method is: - Take some milk in a bowl and squeezing the lemon with drinking continuously. This is perfect treatment of bleeding piles.

    (6) Lemon

    Take a lemon and cut into two pieces. Thereafter, take a half piece and dredge up rock salt on it. Suck it to get relief from bleeding of piles.

    (7) Basil Leaves and Fruits of Neem (Azadirachta Indica)

    It is very effective and traditional Indian remedy. Take some basil leaves and fruits of neem, grind them and make a paste. Add 2 gram (one teaspoon) into butter-milk and drink it.

    Optional Treatment: - Chewing and eating the basil leaves (5 to 6 leaves) daily in the morning is beneficial.

    (8) Neem Seeds (Azadirachta Indica)

    Take neem seed powder with warm water on an empty stomach, it is beneficial to get rid from piles.

    (9) Permanent Remedy using Ajwain seeds (Carom Seeds)

    Take some ajwain seeds and make a fine powder by grinding them. Thereafter, take 1/4 (one fourth) teaspoon of this powder; add this powder into butter-milk. Also add a few of rock salt. Mix well and drink it. It is useful to get permanently relief from hemorrhoids or piles. You should use this method daily.

    (10) Witch Hazel

    Witch hazels soothe irritation and reduce swelling. Use it with cotton pads on affected area. You can easily get from any of the medical store. If you can be get pure Witch hazel, then use it for more effective results.

    (11) Water Therapy

    Drink at least 10 to 12 large glass of water every day. Water is an important part of body, so drink enough water to get rid from thrombosis condition.

    (12) Use Compatible Cream or Ointment

     Use relevant and compatible cream to get relief from pain and healing the situation. Many ointment or creams are available at medical store. They are useful to get rid of infections and pain.

    Natural Ways to Treat with Hemorrhoids

    (1) Ice Compress Method

    If you have trouble with itching and irritation in the skin around the rectal area (anus), then use ice or cold compressed to infected area to quickly get relief. It reduces swelling and itching.

    (2) Bathing Therapy

    Try to bath with warm water in bathtub or sitz bath in bathtub. It can reduce pain of hemorrhoids. Use it at least for half an hour.

    (3) Eat More Fiber (Dietary Fiber)

    Eating fiber is the best treatments to cure constipation. You should also include more fruits and green leafy vegetables in routine diet.

    (4) Use Cotton Undergarments

    Wear silky or soft cotton undergarment to prevent from itching and swelling around the anal area.

    (5) Avoid Several Things

    You should avoid toilet paper, chemical included soap, clothes detergent and other cleaner detergent; they may be causes to irritation and itching. Instead of these, use a soft wipes or water after a bowel movement.

    (6) Drink More Fluids and Water

    Drink an approximately 10 to 12 glasses of fluids in a day except alcohol. Stay hydrated to get relief.

    (7) Keep Clean the Rectum Area

    You should keep your anal area clean, it helps to prevent from itching (irritation) and swelling. Use cotton pad to cleaning the anal area.

    (8) Stay Cool During Bowel Movement

    Avoid straining during a bowel movement. It may be causes for constipation.

    (9) Use Herbal Oils

    You can apply coconut oil, chestnut oil and aloe oil on the affected area, and rinse it after halt and hour, use this oiling process at least two times in a day. It reduces the pain and improves the recovery of veins.

    (10) Lose Your Weight

    Overweight has caused for hemorrhoids, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and many more. Weight should not more than body mass index for healthy body. You can use the best natural treatments for weight loss.

    (11) Physical Exercise, Yoga and Meditation

    You should do some physical exercises daily. It stimulates bowel functions and helps to easily passing of stools. You should do some exercises at least half an hour daily. You can also try for a morning walk daily. It helps to reduce weight.

    (12) Yoga and Meditation

    Yoga is a best way to stay healthy. Try some yoga poses to quick relief from weight loss and hemorrhoids. Also try meditation daily to avoid stress.

    (13) Take Proper Diet

    Use proper and enough diet to stay fit and healthy. In hemorrhoids, you can use plenty of nutrition diet and green vegetables.

    (14) Lifestyle and Diet

    Diet and lifestyle plays a vital role to stay healthy. Therefore, you should follow the daily routine and proper diet rules in appropriate manner.

    Proper and Prohibited Diets: 

    (a) Prohibited diet (food) in Hemorrhoids: - The given foods categories are restricted during hemorrhoids. They are – Avoid fried foods, oily foods, fast foods, sour foods, cayenne pepper or red chili, eggs, carbohydrates, corms, eggplant or brinjal,  jaggery, garlic, pickles, okra (also known as ladies' fingers, bhindi).

    (b) Appropriate and Proper Diet: - Plenty of water and fluid, green leafy vegetables, fruits, fiber dietary, salad etc. You can also includes lemons, limes, apples, tomatoes, onions and carrots, blackberries, cherries, grapes and many more.

    Special Advice:
    • Avoid excess use of tea.
    • Avoid alcohol.
    • Quit smoking.
    • Avoid salty, fried, oily and fast foods.
    • Do not rub the rectal area or affected area.
    • Use ointment and anti infection or antibacterial creams to get relief from itching and irritation.
    Hopefully, these natural remedies will help to permanently cure hemorrhoids or piles. You can also comments for more information and suggestions.

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