How to Grow Hair Quickly
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November 08, 2014
Now the market has mushroomed variety of products ranging from beauty products, skin care, hair from toe to head. However, many products are sold freely in the market already contain a lot of artificial chemicals, and other mixed materials to a given outcome is not good enough and last long. As with any treatment of hair loss and dandruff shampoo how many brands that have been circulating in the market that promise to overcome the problem of hair loss to hair dandruff?
The loss of hair will certainly grow back, but what if the hair growth is running slower than normal hair growth?
The following will be given how to grow hair fast which uses natural herbal ingredients which must secure the hair without damaging side effects, including:
1. Olive oil
Olive oil is still included in the ingredients natural herb commonly used instead of cooking oil and a complement of certain food recipe, it has the benefits of oil to grow hair loss. Olive oil can be used not only to help the process of hair growth, but can also to nourish the scalp. By way of drip 4-5 drops of olive oil after shampooing, scalp with a mild massage. For maximum results, use olive oil at night so that the content of olive oil to seep into the roots of the hair and the perfect tissue on the bottom surface of the hair. Then the next morning wash it with clean oil until there was nothing left.
2. Eggs
Eggs enriched with protein and vitamin B12 can also be used to help grow hair. By way of taking part then put the egg yolks into the container, take the little by little while there applied to the scalp thoroughly, then gently massage approximately 10-15 minutes. After a massage Wash perfectly until the stench of eggs disappeared from the hair. To get maximum results, do as many as four times a week.
3. Coconut Santan
Coconut milk which is actually used as a mixture of several types of food bersantan, it also can be used as one of the natural ingredients for hair growth, coconut milk is used to promote hair growth in a way take approximately 300-500ml coconut head, then sisirkan coconut milk head start from the scalp to the ends of your hair slowly and evenly to make it easier to use a wide-toothed comb. Then wrap the hair that has been smeared with coconut milk with a clean towel and let stand a minute to 20 minutes. After that, rinse your hair with cold water. Perform this hair care routine 3-4 times a week. Then look at the results obtained not only the hair that grows increasingly dense, but it makes the hair look shiny naturally.
4. Coconut oil
Generally coconut oil is widely used as a drug for the treatment of hair to remove dandruff, overcoming hair loss, thicken hair and other hair treatments. Take coconut oil to taste then apply from the scalp to the ends of the hair. Make sure all parts of the scalp has been oiled with coconut oil flat, gently massage oil that is absorbed well by the roots of the hair. Massage up to 15 minutes, then wash as usual. Not only faster hair growth and thickness, but also can help eliminate dandruff be one of the causes of hair loss.