* To kill or expel worms from the body.
* Prevents or cures spasms.

flatulence and griping pains from stomach and bowels.
* Promotes the flow of urine.
* Promotes the removal of mucous secretions from the bronchial tubes.
* To reduce or eliminate fevers.
* Promotes the dissipation of a growth or swelling.
* Can be used in chronic bronchitis, tuberculosis, pneumonia, asthma, and other respiratory ailments.
* It is an excellent medicine for colds and can be used in the case of sore throat, hoarseness and tonsillitis.
* Best remedy for hypertension.
* Acts as a natural antibiotic and prevents cancer.
* Good remedy for earache, deafness and the delay of the greying of hairs.
* It is also good for various skin problems.
* Scientific studies have proved that the consumption of garlic reduces the cholesterol level in the body.
* Use of raw garlic in salads is one of the best remedies for hypertension.
* The decoction of garlic mixed with coconut oil is given for worms and in smaller doses it is good for infection of the sciatic nerve, inflammation of the respiratory tract, and hysteria.
* The tea of garlic, sweetened with honey is recommended for whooping cough, fever and disorders of the nervous system.
* Externally used, garlic is a disinfectant. It is applied over tumours and wounds. It is recommended as a poultice for ringworms.
* Raw garlic juice is good for whooping cough and pulmonary consumption or tuberculosis. Dilluted in water the garlic juice is good for earache, deafness and prevention of grey hair. The juice is also used for skin eruptions, corns, fungal infection of the skin, and skin spots.
* A crushed clove of garlic heated in a tiny vessel or tablespoon containing coconut oil can be very effectively used for earaches. Only the mild warm oil should be introduced into the painful ear.
The bulb ( as food, the whole plant can be used ).
As indicated above.
Those who suffer from hypotension ( low blood pressure) should use garlic.