Marijuana is Good or Alcohol

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Marijuana is either form is not good for health. It has proved over many published researches that brain is directly affected from it. It's chemical compounds affects brain structures and causes minute changes in certain parts which are responsible for image identification.

Scientists have proved that prostate and other few cancer types are more common in people who smoke marijuana. Specially young and adults are more prone to such diseases specially related to brain. Psychosis phenomenon is also jotted down. Students who take it regularly have very bad academic results compared to others.

Marijuana is illegal in most of United States and United Kingdom. It is a serious crime as compared to alcohol. Although a recent legislation is done in US Congress about medicine use of Marijuana and its agriculture under certain limitations.

US National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence has said that crimes due to use of alcohol are about 40%. Most of the rape cases reported are linked with alcohol use. Killings and other extremist activities are about 27%.

A Pediatrician is worried about this question. Whether he should propose Marijuana or Alcohol for young adults or parents. Both have worse side effects but if it is necessary to choose one. Then here comes dilemma. Pediatrics have various researches about alcohol disorders. Most common reports state that regular or normal use is not bad. If it takes person to abuse, then same instance can happen for cannabis related drugs also.

It is preferable to use alcohol over marijuana in my personnel observation. This is based on facts of crimes which are reported by US federal and private firms for alcohol disorders.

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