The yellow gold turmeric !!

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When we speak about world’s healthiest food items, the name of turmeric can never be forgotten. The gifted Indian and Chinese folks  had recognised the power of turmeric way before us, as history suggests that it was  widely used in Ayurveda  and Chinese treatments centuries back. Turmeric, also known as Indian Saffron  is derived from the Curcuma plant. This spice is an inevitable ingredient in everyday Indian cooking and is a must in all kitchen shelves in Indian households. The list of benefits of turmeric is so long that it won’t be an exaggeration to say that a book can be penned on this. Nevertheless, I have tried to briefly combine all the goodness of turmeric into this blog.

Turmeric derives its strong antibacterial and antioxidative properties from its component curcumin. Turmeric is a good source of iron, magnesium, manganese, vitamin B6, dietary fiber, and potassium. It not only adds colour and taste to food, but is also a solution to a wide array of medical conditions, which includes arthritis and joint pains, gastric problems, jaundice, Endometriosis, diarrhea, PCOS, problems during menstruation like pain and cramps, ovarina cysts,liver problems, hemorrhage, cuts and bruises, chest pain, and even cancer. For appropriate absorption of turmeric into the body, it is advised to be taken along with pepper which will help to increase the absorption rate.

Thanks to the anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric, IBD (inflammatory bowel disease) or  crohn’s  patients can get a lot of relief by adding turmeric amply to their daily diet. Unlike other medicines, this miracle spice is free of any side effects and packs only goodness.

Cystic fibrosis is a condition which affects the lungs severely and causes death in many cases. The scientists from Yale have found that curcumin is effective in treating this condition. Anti-carcinogenic properties of turmeric are widely accepted across the globe and helps in prevention of colon, breast, lung, cervical and prostate cancer.  The anti - oxidative properties defend the colon cells from free radicals and prevent the creation of cancerous cells. Curcumin also helps terminate the mutated cancer cells.

Turmeric helps in digestion and prevents flatulence. It helps in preventing and curbing liver diseases like cirrhosis, jaundice and hepatitis. It stimulates the production of bile which in turn helps in digestion of fats.

Turmeric can curb the onset of diabetes in people who are in the pre -  diabetic stage, as it is known to reduce insulin resistance.

Good news to the cholesterol patients is that turmeric can check oxidation of cholesterol, which narrows the blood vessels, causing stroke or a heart attack. Vitamin B6 in turmeric helps to keep homocysteine in control, excess of which can cause atherosclerosis and heart diseases.

Turmeric is even considered effective against the dreaded neurodegenerative Alzheimer’s disease.

In India turmeric is used as home remedy to treat wounds, swellings, cold, cough and skin ailments. It is also widely used as a beauty product to enhance the quality of the skin and is used in ceremonies like weddings.

The bottom line is that, the humble turmeric which sits on our kitchen shelves can be the key to a multitude of medical problems and is a great immunity booster.  So don’t be stingy in using turmeric, increase the goodness of your food by generously using turmeric in everyday cooking. Eating right can work miracles on your body ad mind

Dr. Anita Mani
Infertility& Surrogacy Specialist at Gift IVF Centre


Dr. Anita Mani is a renowned infertility specialist in south India with 15 years experience in ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology). Dr. Anita has successfully set up ART hospitals in Cochin and Bangalore,  along with her spouse  Dr. S Mani, who specialises in surrogacy. She completed MRCOG, from Royal College of Obstetrician and Gynaecologist  London, DFFP from  ART Warwick university and  worked in UK for 5 years. Dr. Anitha believes in scientific and ethical practice and is currently the director of Gift Gyno IVF centre Cochin and  Bangalore.  Apart from advanced laparoscopic surgeries, she is also an expert in various ART techniques including IVF, IUI, ICSI , donor egg / sperm  and surrogacy. Her proficiency is in genetic abnormalities and high risk pregnancies.

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