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Allergic rhinitis is an allergic disorder causing inflammation of the mucous membranes lining the nasal cavity. This inflammation occurs when one comes in contact with something that one is allergic to. This could be pollens or moulds or dust or smoke or any strong odour. This problem occurs more often in the autumn and spring season as the pollens are widespread at this time.
The common symptoms of allergic rhinitis are sneezing, running nose and watery discharge from the eyes. There is irritation in the nose which causes sneezing to start and then watery discharge from the nose begins. There is discharge from the posterior nares that drains into the throat. This is called post nasal drip. One tends to lose the sense of smell. In chronic cases, the nose stuffs up or gets blocked. One cannot breathe through the nose easily. Such patients are forced to breathe through their mouth and keep their mouth open. Night time is the most difficult for such patients as they find it difficult to sleep. Mouth dries up as they breathe through the mouth instead of the nose. Sometimes, ears also tend to get blocked.

ABROMA AUGUSTA Q- Sneezing several times a day. Dryness of nose with irritation in nostrils resulting in a constant desire to rub the nostrils. There is fever associated with great thirst for cold water
ALLIUM CEPA Q- Frequent and violent sneezing, worse in a warm room. There is an acrid discharge from the nose accompanied with bland discharge from the nose
ANDROGRAPHIS PANICULATA Q- Sneezing . Discharge watery . No desire to do any work. Restlessness
JANOSIA ASOKA Q- Profuse watery discharge from the nose.Sneezing. Soreness of nostrils. Nasal obstruction. Anosmia. Occasionally there may be epitaxis. Patient is restless or hysterical. Weeping disposition
JUSTICIA ADHATODA Q- Sneezing with cough
LUFFA OPERCULATA  Q- Aspecific remedy. There is difficulty in breathing
OCCIMUM SANCTUM- Inflammation of the mucous membrane of nose. Sneezing. Discharge may be white or yellow in color. Nostrils ulcerated.Complaints associated with epitaxis. Forgetful. Drowsiness and prostration
CAMPHOR Q- It may be tried in the very beginning
SENNA Q- Repeated sneezing , causing heat especially of hands, exhaustion and difficult breathing
SAPONARIA OFF Q- Violent sneezing with sharp burning taste and severe  sore throat, worse right side Worse in a warm room

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