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Many Homoeopathic mother tincture are very effective for cystitis . Some of them are given below
CANTHARIS Q- Great burning in the bladder and pain along urethra. Worse before and after urination
COLEUS AROMATICUS Q- Strangury. Suppression of urine . Burning sensation during and after micturition. Cystitis and vesical catarrh
OCIMUM SANCTUM Q- Involuntary urine. Frequent desire for micturition. Burning micturition. Drowsiness and prostration
BERBERIS VULGARIS Q- Great burning in the bladder and pain along the urethra . Worse before and after urination
FLUID CEREFOLIUS Q- A specific remedy for cystitis.     
COPAIVA Q- Chronic cystitis, especially in women with retention of urine in dropsy . Constant ineffectual desire to urinate
CYNADON DACTYLON Q- Painful micturition. Retention of urine
EQUISETUM Q- Cystitis in old people with deep colored urine and pain while urinating
FLUID CEREFOLIUS Q- A specific remedy for cystitis.     
TRITICUM REP. Q- A good remedy for chronic cystitis. Constant desire to pass urine. Urination is painful and difficult

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