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Our hair is our crowning glory, but what if you are slowly losing your hair? Most men are experiencing this kind of inevitable problem and they have been finding effective and easy solutions that can have promising results. 85% of men will experience hair loss when they reach the age of 50, but there are some who start to experience hair thinning even in their 20s. This can be worrisome because losing hair is like losing confidence.

There are a lot of reasons why hair gets thin. This very common reason is hereditary for men. This happens when the hair growth is disrupted and the hair follicle is damaged and scarred causing hair not to grow. There are also other causes like hormonal changes, medical conditions and medications but these are uncommon causes.
Homoeopathic remedies are very effective for baldness and that can promote hair growth.
Some of the main remedies are given below.
SILICEA 200- Silicea, is mainly given to those patients who suffer from baldness and complain of pain in head usually at the right side along with hair loss. The patients requiring this medicine are very sensitive to cold air and usually have very offensive sweat on the feet. Mentally the patients requiring this medicine are very headstrong and obstinate in nature
BARYTA CARBONICA 30-Baldness in young people.   The patients requiring this medicine are very timid and dull in nature and have very poor memory. The patients of baldness who have a history of throat complaints like tonsilitis (from suppression of foot sweat or from exposure to cold air) can be given this medicine.
FLUORIC ACID 30- Baldness of old age or prematurely aged due to syphilis . Falling of hair in patches
SULPHUR 200- Sulphur is  another remedy  that can be prescribed to those patients suffering from baldness who are extremely hot blooded and complain of excessive heat in body especially in the head, palms and soles. Another symptom that guides towards the use of sulphur in baldness cases is that the patient requiring this medicine have an aversion to bathing and are generally filthy – thus inviting plenty of long standing skin diseases. The patients requiring Sulphur show extra craving for sweets in food.
LYOPODIUM CLAVATUM 200-Lycopodium clavatum, is also an excellent medicine used to treat baldness cases occurring prematurely and can be given to those patients who complain of some sort of gastric trouble like flatulence, constipation or liver problems along with baldness. The patients requiring Lycopodium clavatum usually crave hot drinks, hot food and sweet things
MANCINELLA 200- Baldness after severe acute diseases  or at the scar of healed wound
PIX LIQUIDA 30- Baldness due to diseases of the scalp. Scalp itches intolerably and bleeds on scratching

SANICULA AQUA  200- Baldness which is chronic due to dandruffs and lots of itching

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