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Homoeopathic medicines works wonders in maintaining the beauty of skin. It is found to be very effective in treating acne, freckles and cholasma. Maintaining the fair complexion  of skin Homoeopathic medicines are beneficial. Avoid harmful cosmetic products and use Homoeopathic medicines for keeping the beauty
IODUM 1000-It is an excellent remedy for changing complexion to fair colour. It should be used in 1000 potency for about six months
CAUSTICUM 200, LYCOPODIUM 200- It should be tried in the given order when iodum fails. Use every wek
SARASPARILLA 30-For clearing complexion
BERBERIS  AQUIFOLIUM 30-Berberis Aquifolium is a  homeopathic remedy that attains the uppermost rank in homeopathy for clearing facial complexion. Berberis Aquifolium can be used in all the cases where the skin is dark or has scars   due to acne or any other conditions. This medicine never fails to bring a glow to the skin and lighten the complexion. I consider it as the first choice of medicine in cases where a clear facial complexion is desired.

SULPHUR 200--Another wonderful homeopathic treatment for attaining clear skin is Sulphur. This medicine has gained much popularity and acclaim in homeopathic treatment for various skin troubles. Sulphur is a deep-acting remedy that helps in removing the very core of the affliction. Sulphur is used when the skin is unhealthy, looks dirty and dull, or is dry and scaly. Sulphur helps to make the skin healthy and nourishes the skin to give it a glow. Sulphur is also prescribed for various eruptions (mostly pimples with dull and dirty look). This remedy helps in clearing pimples and any scars left by them. Apart from dirty and dull skin, the person may have excessive heat in the whole body, especially in the palms, soles of the feet, in the face or in the head. An extra craving for sweets may be shown by subjects who need Sulphur. A dislike towards washing the skin and bathing may be found in cases ideal for using Sulphur. Lastly, persons coming for homeopathic treatment after the injudicious use of external applications of different varieties (including medicated soaps and ointments) should be given no remedy other than Sulphur. Here Sulphur will help in bringing out the most prominent symptoms individual to a person which will serve as a guide towards finding a suitable remedy.

PSORINUM 200-Psorinum is the appropriate homeopathic remedy for people with oily or greasy facial skin which has a dark and dirty look. The face may also show pimples due to highly active oil-producing sebaceous glands on the face. Here Psorinum will help to clear the pimples and dark skin and control the excessive oiliness of the skin. Psorinum will deep-cleanse the skin pores on the face making it oil-free, clear and glowing. High sensitivity towards cold air may be found in persons needing Psorinum. Offensive perspiration may also be a complaint.

BOVISTA 30-Facial pimples, dark skin or any other skin affection caused by the injudicious use of cosmetic products can benefit from the use of the  remedy Bovista which is used to clear the skin. Bovistaholds a significant place among homeopathic medicines for the treatment of skin problems consequent to the excessive use of cosmetics. Bovista helps in clearing facial skin and makes it look bright and glowing. It also removes pimples or other afflictions resulting from the use of cosmetics.

SEPIA 30-Chloasma refers to brown or black discoloration on the skin of the face, mainly seen in women during pregnancy or in women with hormonal imbalance and menstrual irregularities. Chloasma may also be the resultant outcome of liver disease. The best homeopathic remedy for clearing Chloasma is Sepia.Sepia  work wonders in ladies who have black or brown spots on the face during or post pregnancy. It also works well for women who have discoloration on the face due to uterine afflictions and irregular menstrual cycle of varying degrees. Most women who need Sepia in Chloasma show marked discoloration on the nose and the cheeks. Sepia always shows the best results in such cases of Chloasma. No other treatment can equal it in clearing these discoloured Chloasma spots and returning the healthy glowing charm of the skin, without any side effects.

SILICEA 30, KALIBROMATUM 30--Both these remedies are recommended for a clear skin and for removing scars caused by pimples.Silicea is mainly recommended where deep-seated acne  containing pus have resulted in disfiguring scars on the face. It also works where deep pits on the face have resulted from acne. Silicea shows great promise in clearing these pits and scars and making the skin clear. Kali Bromatum is useful in cases where hard indurated pimples have resulted in facial scarring and discolouration. Kali Bromatumworks well in clearing scars and bringing back fairness that has been lost due to disfiguring scars, to the skin.

NATRUM MUR 30, LYCOPODIUM 30, PHOSPHORUS 30 for Freckles-Freckles refer to pigmentation on the skin, usually on the face, occurring due to prolonged exposure to the sun. This is due to a collection of melanin pigment under the skin resulting in discoloured spots on the face and other skin areas that have been exposed to the sun. The spots may vary from brown to black in colour. These medicines are always selected according to the constitution of the patient and help to remove freckles and make the skin clean and clear. The constitutional symptoms are all different and peculiar for each of these medicines. A few symptoms are listed below:
A person who needs Natrum Mur has hot temperament with intolerance to the heat of the sun. He may also crave salty things. Usually the person is reserved in nature and may show a tendency to weep easily.
The constitutional symptoms for selecting Lycopodium include a desire for sweets or warm food and warm drinks. Chronic gastric troubles of varying character may also be found in subjects needing Lycopodium.
Phosphorus may be needed when a person has a craving for ice-creams, juices or cold drinks. Such a person is also sensitive to external impressions like noise, light and odours.

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