Pyorrhea is a very common periodontal disease that affects gums surrounding the roots of the teeth. It leads to inflammation, irritation and pus in gums further resulting in loosening of teeth. Pyorrhea is the primary cause for tooth loss in adults.
Causes ---Pyorrhea is caused by bacterial infection. Food particles get stuck in crevices between teeth. When teeth are not brushed properly and regularly, bacteria build up on teeth plaque. Bacteria convert these food particles especially the sugar into acids. These acidic elements putrefy the gums and teeth and induce Pyorrhea like conditions.
Other common causes of Pyorrhea include external injury of teeth and gums, improper use of toothpick and incorrect brushing.
Symptoms-Pus oozing from margins of teeth- Swollen and inflamed gums-
Loosened teeth roots.-Sepsis of digestive tract or liver disorders, if pus persists for a longer time.
MERCURIOUS SOL 30-Merc Sol is an excellent remedy for pyorrhea. The symptoms are-- very swollen, tender and bleeding gums. The gums may be bluish red in colour. There is metallic taste in the mouth and offensive breath. An increase in saliva may also be noted. Loosening of teeth in the sockets.
CARBO VEG 30-Carb Veg is another top remedy for pyorrhea . Here the gums show a tendency to bleed on cleaning the teeth. These gums have usually receded and are somewhat blackish in appearance. These symptoms are attended with toothache. Toothache gets worse when chewing food. A bitter, sour taste in the mouth
KREOSOTUM 30-In Kreosotum there is bluish, puffy gums with an intensely putrid odour from the mouth. Bleeding of dark blood from the gums is another key symptom for Kreosotum The tooth may be dark, decayed or crumbly in such cases.
PHOSPHORUS 30-In Phosphorus the gums bleed easily. Phosphorus is a great anti-haemorrhagic medicine. Along with bleeding, soreness and pain in gums is noted . The pain in gums gets worse from both heat and cold. Pain in the teeth may also arise along with the pain in gums.
LACHESIS 200--Lachesis is considered the most suitable medicines for pyorrhea when attended with swollen cheeks. The gums appear dark purple and highly swollen. This is accompanied by burning in the mouth. Peppery or coppery taste in mouth. Pain in the teeth often extends to the ears .
HECLA LAVA 3X- It is considered a specific remedy for pyorrhea
ARGENTUM NITRICUM 30-There is inflammation of the gums. Also tenderness and bleeding is also present.