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Prostatitis is swelling and inflammation of the prostate gland, a walnut-sized gland located directly below the bladder in men. The prostate gland produces fluid (semen) that nourishes and transports sperm.
Prostatitis often causes painful or difficult urination. Other symptoms of prostatitis include pain in the groin, pelvic area or genitals and sometimes flu-like symptoms.
Prostatitis affects men of all ages but tends to be more common in men 50 years of age or younger. Prostatitis can be caused by a number of different things. If it's caused by a bacterial infection, it can usually be treated with antibiotics. However, sometimes prostatitis isn't caused by a bacterial infection or an exact cause is never identified.
Depending on the cause, prostatitis may come on gradually or suddenly. It may get better quickly, either on its own or with treatment. Some types of prostatitis last for months or keep recurring (chronic prostatitis).
Causes- Acute bacterial prostatitis is often caused by common strains of bacteria. The infection may start when bacteria carried in urine leaks into your prostate. Antibiotics are used to treat it. If bacteria aren't eliminated with antibiotics because they "hide" in the prostate, prostatitis may recur or be difficult to treat. This is called chronic bacterial prostatitis.
Bacterial infection isn't the only cause of prostatitis. Other causes can include:
·         Immune system disorder
·         Nervous system disorder
·         Injury to the prostate or prostate area
In many cases of prostatitis, however, the cause is never identified.
Symptoms-- Prostatitis symptoms vary depending on the cause. They may include:
·         Pain or burning sensation when urinating (dysuria)
·         Difficulty urinating, such as dribbling or hesitant urination
·         Frequent urination, particularly at night (nocturia)
·         Urgent need to urinate
·         Pain in the abdomen, groin or lower back
·         Pain in the area between the scrotum and rectum (perineum)
·         Pain or discomfort of the penis or testicles
·         Painful orgasms (ejaculations)
·         Flu-like symptoms (with bacterial prostatitis)

APIS MELLIFICA 30-Apis Mellifica is an excellent l Homeopathic medicine  for Acute Prostatits. It is suitable for patients of Prostatitis who have a frequent desire to pass urine, but the process leads to burning pain. There is difficulty in retaining urine even for a few seconds. A few patients also describe the pain as burning and stinging in nature. The urine passed is usually scanty. Some patient experiences   burning and smarting pain  while passing the last drops of urine. The colour of urine is dark. Apis Mellifica is also a very beneficial  Homeopathic medicine for providing relief from the burning sensation and the quantity of urine increases from its scanty nature. Thirst most of the times decreases in persons requiring Apis Mellifica.

CANTHARIS 30-Cantharis is another excellent remedy for prostatitis when  the urine is passed with a burning sensation and in drops. The burning sensation is felt before, during and even after passing urine. Extreme scalding is felt in all three stages: before, during and after the act of micturition or passing urine. The desire to pass urine is almost constant but it passes drop by drop. Blood may also pass in urine. So, burning, smarting, scalding micturition with urine coming out in drops is a clear guide to use Cantharis.

NITRIC ACID 30-- Nitric Acid is one of the top remedies  for prostatitis , where the urine emits a highly offensive odour along with burning in urethra during its passage. The urine passed is scanty with a strong and highly offensive smell. The urge to empty the bladder is frequent but urine is scanty in quantity. The stream of urine is also thin. The urine feels cold on passing. Pus discharges from urethra may be noted in a few patients.

THUJA OCC. 200-Thuja is an excellent medicine for  Prostatits who are unable to control urine with a sudden desire to empty the bladder quickly. The patient has to hasten and rush to pass urine. The urine may also be passed involuntarily at night. The patient needing Thuja may have a history of gonorrhoea and syphilis affection that is maltreated or suppressed. Foamy-cloudy urine or mucus in urine may be present in high levels.

CHIMAPHILA UMBELLATA 3X--For Acute Prostatitis cases where urine is retained, Chimaphila is the ideal natural Homeopathic remedy. The person has difficulty and severe pain while passing urine. A peculiar position of standing with feet wide apart and stooping in forward direction may help to pass a little urine with much straining. Burning and scalding during urine may be noticed. And whatever urine is passed contains ropy mucus and blood.

FERRUM PICRICUM 30- Ferrum picricum is an excellent remedy for senile hypertrophy or prostatitis.Pain along the urethra. Frequent urination at night with full feeling. Retention of urine.Smarting at neck of bladder and penis.

SABAL SERRULATA Q- Sabal Serrulata is very effective  for prostatic troubles, including enlarged prostate and inflamed prostate. Sabal Serrulata is the best Homeopathic medicine for dealing with the problem of frequent urination at night in patients with Prostatitis. Difficulty in passing urine is also noted in such patients.

LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM 200- Lycopodium is a Homeopathic remedy that is very beneficial when frequent and difficult urination is accompanied by backache. The backache may get some relief after passing urine. Much straining is needed to pass urine. Here also the frequency may be felt mostly during night hours. The patient likes warm foods, and desires sweets.

PULSATILLA NIG. 30- Pulsatila is considered as one of the best Homoeopathic  remedies for prostatitis.Pulsatilla is of great help when the urge to pass urine frequently is felt on lying down. Pain and burning while urinating are also present.

SOLIDAGO Q- Solidago is an excellent remedy for scanty urine or incomplete passage  of urine due to prostatitis or enlargement.It  can even replace the use of catheter in patients who have incomplete passage of urine with retention. But the peculiar characteristic symptom that guides its use is clear and offensive urine whenever it is passed. Pain in passing urine is also marked for use of Homeopathic medicine Solidago.

STAPHYSAGRIA 30-Staphysagria is prescribed when the peculiar symptom  of burning sensations when not passing urine is present. i.e.in the spare time between urinating.There is frequent urging to urinate with scanty discharge in a thin stream  or by drop.


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