Estimated Amounts Needed
- 500 mg/day for adults
- 120 mg for infants
- Daily Value recommendation - no more than 2,400 to 3,000 mg/day
Benefits/Deficiency Symptoms
- Sodium is required by the body to regulate blood pressure and blood volume. It helps regulate the fluid balance in your body. Sodium also helps in the proper functioning of muscles and nerves.
- Many people get far more sodium than they need, which tends to cause health problems.
- Different body types need different amounts of sodium.
Fruit Sources
- Sodium occurs naturally in almost all fresh, whole fruits but passionfruit has a significant amount.
Vegetable Sources
- Sodium occurs naturally in almost all fresh, whole vegetables, these have significant amounts:
- Amaranth leaves
- Artichoke
- Broccoli
- Beetroot
- Brussels Sprouts
- Spaghetti squash
- Sweet Potatoes
Nut/Seed/Grain Sources
- Most seeds, nuts and grains have some sodium, these have more than others:
- Amaranth
- Coconut
- Spelt