Overweight and obesity is a serious global problem. Of these, 3.12 million are obese, it is estimated, and 110 million adults are overweight from all over the world. Until recently, obesity and weight of Europe and North America, the problem of disease is limited. But in some developing countries over the past 20 years, a variety of western lifestyle, overweight and obesity, especially in South Asia, the Middle East, China and India are important risk factors are the opposite.
This in itself is a serious health problem. In many cases, poor diabetes, overweight and obesity, which is endangered? In the number of people worldwide are overweight, about 84 million in 2000 to more than 200 million people as the number of people with diabetes to see even more in 2030 will be.
It is in the development of obesity and diabetes, the disease has never heard or overweight person, I'm sure everyone is. Study, body mass index were normal weight, have people who are overweight has confirmed some of the symptoms of the disease (BMI) for the incidence of diabetes. They are caused by genetic factors. However, these numbers are not very optimistic. Obesity is a model of this problem and concluded that type 1 and type 2 diabetes risk.
Parents in the pivotal study showed that lifestyle changes in diabetes patients, including seven years in Finland, some risks more than 58% of the risk of people can be reduced. Therefore, obesity, chronic diseases, found understanding; please refer to diabetes and other important prevention. The world will increase in the prevalence of obesity is to delay the global epidemic of diabetes.
But for those who already have diabetes? Too many of these lifestyle changes, like a good thing these changes are designed to provide obesity. "When you lose weight quickly, can lower blood sugar, how difficult it is to lead." New York, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Professor Cathy Nonas
No, not better blood sugar, weight control, the perfect answer As a result, a genetic predisposition for obesity and type 2 diabetes and I was one of the reasons for the inappropriate attack the weight? A diabetes expert, obesity less than 30% of total calories in the physical costs of at least 4 hours activity lower total fat, the consent of each week, and tends to reduce the risk of more than 5% of body weight. I, and disappear in accordance with all visible signs appear. Is the sustainability of these changes in the lives of patients with diabetes, there are many miracles.
Diabetes is overweight, and you have no doubt, especially two can, in the level of obesity and improve healthy blood sugar levels to improve your mood. But you lose weight, work closely with key start blood sugar, diabetes doctor before you begin, you must follow closely, healthcare professionals need insulin levels, it is very important.
The diet is very important for the survival of humanity. Good nutrition and organic materials based on the life insurance protection. Daily cleaning is the key to weight loss and healthy diet. Many people are people, with functionality and user friendliness. About their health and quality of life of lasting impact, directly to consumers Remember, what you eat. Obesity and diabetes.