Benefits of Papaya for Skin Care
By -
October 10, 20121 minute read
In skin care does not have to spend substantial funds, because many natural ways that is easy and inexpensive to care for your skin. Papaya fruit which we consume as a dessert, it has good benefits for our skin. Because papaya contains vitamins, proteins and minerals.
For a ripe papaya is great for exfoliating the skin so that the skin more radiant and suitable for all skin types. And for raw papaya is perfect to rejuvenate your skin. Maybe you want to know of course how we manage it for skin care? Health Info will give you the recipe for papaya in treating your skin care.
To Skin Shines
It is very easy, you simply soften 1/2 cup of papaya and mixed with 4 tablespoons of lemon juice, 4 teaspoon of carrot juice, 1 teaspoon honey. Then rub your skin with a massage section face and neck, leave a few minutes. Then rinse or wash with water and watch your skin will look radiant.
For skin rejuvenation
The trick is not too difficult does away with for glowing skin. You just prepare 1/2 cup mashed ripe papaya that is, 1/4 cup coconut milk, 1/4 cup powdered oats. Combine all ingredients until blended before, and rubbed on the face and neck gently and let stand for 5 minutes. After that, wash with milk, followed by water. So your skin will look radiant.
So all you can do regularly morning and night. Indeed, not only for the benefits of papaya skin only but there are many other benefits that can be obtained from the papaya fruit is especially for our health, of course.
Thus our discussion about the benefits of papaya. For info on diabetes mellitus you can get this blog as well.