Characteristics and How to Prevent Heart Disease

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4 minute read

Characteristics of Heart Disease Characteristics. Good afternoon friends. In this post I will share a little information about the characteristic feature of heart disease. Heart disease is one disease that is quite feared and is a dangerous disease as cancer and AIDS. Some people who suffer from heart disease does not have any symptoms.

Therefore, by reading the article about the characteristic feature of heart disease we are expected to know and understand what are the causes and symptoms of the disease symptoms caused by heart.

before reading more about the characteristic feature of heart disease in general, it is better you also have the kind of heart disease. According to the diagnosis, heart disease was different. Here are descriptions of symptoms accompanied by clinical symptoms appear:

Characteristic feature of heart disease

1. Coronary Heart Disease

Coronary heart disease is caused due to the narrowing of the small blood vessels that supply blood and oxygen to the heart. Or also called atherosclerosis, this occurs when fatty material and other substances form a plaque on artery walls. This causes the arteries to narrow blooded. Because the flow in the coronary arteries narrow, blood to the heart becomes slow and even stop. Of course, in these circumstances a person will experience shortness of breath, chest pain, nausea, headaches accompanied by nausea.

2. Congenital heart disease

a. Cyanotic (blue is the clinical hallmark of the body, lips and fingers)
b. Asianotik (not blue)

3. Heart Attack
Heart attack is one of the kinds of heart disease most deadly berbahayadan. A heart attack is caused by many things, but the most important is because of impaired blood flow to the heart muscles. This causes the heart can not function at all and usually occurs suddenly.

4. Pericarditis

Pericarditis. friends there who knows what is meant by pericarditis? Pericarditis is heart disease caused by an infection of the heart organ. Infection of the transplanted heart can be caused by fungi, bacteria, and virus. Another cause is due to the influence of the side effects of certain drugs that cause inflammation of the pericardial pouch and pericarditis.

5. Heart Failure

Heart failure is also one of the kinds of heart disease. In patients with heart failure, the heart beats not running normally. The cause is damage to the heart muscle, and because of the excessive burden of heart. Heart failure is the hallmark characteristics: Fast feels tired, shortness of breath, both during normal activity, light, even at rest, leg swelling (edema), difficulty sleeping in a reclining position, is usually more comfortable with a half-sitting position

There are 4 grade division of heart failure:

a. functional class 1
b. functional class 2
c. functional class 3
d. functional class 4

for the understanding of each functional class itself you can browse the internet or read from other references.

For all kinds of heart disease may be just that I can share, there are actually many more. But friends can look it up yourself on the internet.
Characteristics of Heart Disease characteristics:
1. Sudden pain in the chest behind the breastbone or as chest tightness.
2. Chest pain can be repeated a few minutes (20 minutes or more).
3. The pain can be a pressure in the chest, and neck as if choking, causing cold sweat
4. Suddenly collapsed, but may return realized. This occurs because the heart rhythm disorder
5. Feel like stomach ulcers, but had never suffered from stomach upset
6. Sweating so much at night time
7. Chest and the back feels depressed making it difficult to breathe
8. Inner arm from the armpit to the elbow-2, even
9. Spreads to the fingers, felt cramps or tingling
10. Jaw feels stiff and cramping

And many more of the characteristics of other heart disease that I can not mention one by one, because it may vary from one person to another. But in general hallmark features of heart disease above could describe that person has suffered from heart disease, either coronary heart disease or other heart disease. So before its too late, you should start now you should be aware of the importance of maintaining a healthy body for yourself each.

Below are some tips to keep your heart healthy:

1. A healthy diet
2. Stop smoking start this minute! or equal just taken his life by volunteering with the help of cigarettes if you still continue.
3. Avoid stress
4. Reduce excess body weight (obesity)
5. Regular exercise
6. Consuming antioxidants
7. Also avoid foods with a high content of sugar

Yes that's a little info on the Characteristics Characteristics and How to Prevent Heart Disease. Hopefully by reading the brief article above, you can be more aware of the importance of maintaining a healthy body, especially your heart health respectively. remember: "Love your heart right now!"

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