An excellent remedy for bone pains Aurum metallicum 30 Every 4 hours 8
Pain in the bones of lower limbs Agaricus mus 30 Every 4 hours 8
Severe bone pains
Sensitive touch Kali hydriodicum 30 Every 4 hours 8
Bone pains and in limbs
Worse night
Lacerating pain in joints Merc. sol 30 Every 4 hours
Inflammation of cranial bones Silicea 200 Every 8 hours 4
Inflammation of bones due to injury Ruta graveolens 30 Every 4 hours 8
Due to fracture or injury Symphytum Q 10 drops in water every 4 hours 8
Osteitis any where in the
body,especially jaw Hekla lava 3X 1 grain every 4 hours 8
Osteitis in neuralgia, in caries
Periostitis and shifting pain in long bones Staphysagria 30 Every 4 hours 8
Due to mercurial, syphilitic or
scrophulous poison
Burning at night Phosphoric acid 30 Every 4 hours 8
Inflammation of long bones, especially femur
With ulcers which discharge more or
less broken bones Strontium carb. 30 Every 4 hours 8
Due to syphilis
Inflammation of long bones, femur,
tibia, humerus etc. Stillingia 30 Every 4 hours8