Trembling of fingers when writing Actea racemosa 30 Every 4 hours 8
An excellent remedy for writers cramps
Trembling of hands
Lacks of muscular control
Cramps in the muscles of forearm Gelsemium 30 Every 4 hours 8
A specific remedy for writers cramp Ferrum iodatum 30 Every 4 hours 8
Writers and players cramp
Due to long use of hands and fingers
Chorea, better from heat Magnesia phos 1M One dose once in a week 4
Spasmodic pain like cramp on the
ball of the right thumb when writing Muriatic acid 30 Every 4 hours 8
Cramp like paralytic contraction in arms, hands
Jerking of fingers while writing
Tendency to gangrene following mechanical injuries
Lead poisoning Sulphuric acid 30 Every 4 hours 8
It should be tried when all other remedies fail
Cramping due to paralysis with the
beginning of degeneration of the brain Zincum phos 30 Every 4 hours 8