5 Foods To Avoid

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Foods To Avoid
Foods To Avoid

Hey, what's up guys? It's Solomon and today we will be talking about the five healthy foods that everyone thinks is healthy but is causing you not to lose weight and if you stick with these five foods, it will help you tremendously to lose the fat.

whole-wheat bread
whole-wheat bread

So number 1 on our list is actually going to be whole-wheat bread and everybody knows white bread is bad, stay away from that, but a lot of people believe that whole-wheat bread is actually good for you and really, it is not much far off than white bread. It still has lots of calories, carbohydrates and it doesn’t have a lot of fiber and these carbs are actually processed carbs because it is bread. So it absorbs really fast in body and it will make you fat. So the best thing you do is stay away from whole-wheat bread. Well, what I will actually eat a lot of brown rice. It has more fiber, it makes you fuller so you don t get as hungry as you usually would if you ate just these empty calories. Yeah, definitely and the best alternative is probably just to stay away from bread altogether or stay away from all starches and you can eat like meat, fruits, vegetables, pretty much all the unprocessed foods, those are the best alternatives to loose fat.

MUST READ: Healthy Or Not? 5 Surprising Health Foods You Shouldn't Eat.

fruit juice
fruit juice

The next one is actually really surprising because it is fruit juice and we are all taught as kids that fruit juice is good for you like sodas, like coke and some like that is bad for you but fruit juice is like weird, it is like counterintuitive. But if you think about it, fruit juice does have a lot of sugar and it has no fiber and fiber is like one of the best things that in fruits, fruits have fibers and the vitamins. So I want you to think about like this. If you drink, let s say, a glass of orange juice, which is it is pretty normal to drink a glass of orange juice, do you know how many oranges does it take to actually make a glass of orange juice? It is usually about like six oranges, depending on the size, but you rarely see somebody sitting down and eat like six oranges. You'll be all starved and you will just feel like you are overeating but when you drink a glass of orange juice, it's the actually probably equivalent to about six oranges. So now you see you are actually just overeating too much and no matter what foods you eat that are healthy for you, if you overeat, it is a bad thing and fruit juice is so easily over-consumed because it is just juice. So the best thing to do on fruit juice is if you want to do that, just eat real fruits but don't drink fruit juice and also if you are really trying to lose weight, the best thing to do is stick with the water, it is good for you, it hydrates you and it has zero calories and also coconut water is very good for you to drink. It cleans you out, it is really good, tastes good too, I really like it. 

Usually, actually what I like to do with coconut, I buy the whole coconut, I make the nice little hole around, stick the straw in there and I just drink it like that. I love it and then after that, I scrap it inside and it is delicious and I have the coconut, they are all natural sugar and a good flavor. 

That's even a better fruit juice.



Next one is “GRANOLA”, particularly like granola cereals, but really all granolas. Granola is a breakfast nourishment and snack, comprising of moved oats, nuts, nectar, and now and then puffed rice, they are generally prepared until fresh. Again, these food are really tricky because they are like the best out of the bad foods. But they are still not very good when it comes to losing weight. So you still got to still away from it. Granola cereal, granola is high fat, high calories, high sugars and high in carbs. So it s pretty much high in everything, even though it is the granola, but because it is so high in everything, it is still not good for you to eat and you just stay away from it altogether, particularly though when you are eating cereal, you drink milk with it, eat it with milk. And milk is not good for you when it comes to losing fat either. So even though every single granola box always talks about smart as healthy and it has all these vitamins and stuff like that, but I used to think the same way but if you wanted those way, you got to stay away from it altogether. I like to actually, in the morning have some oatmeal. it is a good one. All natural, no sweet milk sugar added, nothing, I warm up some water, I put it together, I stir it and I add my favorite fruits like bananas, strawberries, blueberries, whatever you like. So that way you get all natural flavors and you get a lot of vitamins and it really helps you to lose weight that way. And not the instant oatmeal. Yeah No, don t do that. You know you like the whole red one and I am used to eat instant one because I am out go to grocery store and it looks all the same, one cooks in one minute and the other one cooks in like three to five. And then I look at the instant one, I go okay, well, I just get this one because it is the same and cooks in one minute and then I see like little package ones, more like the sugars and all these different flavors and I go well here is something that is even easier. It even comes with a flavor. Don t go with any of that? That is like the example of like fruit juice and fruits. They look similar but one is processed and one is good for you. So very close, but stick with the natural stuff that s going to help you. It is the best way honestly. And also what will be the next one, Mike, one our list? Everyone thinks it is good but actually it is not.

sports drinks
sports drinks


The next one is actually sports drinks, pretty much every type of sports drinks; PowerAde, Vitaminwater just to mention a few and it's so confusing because we watch commercials. You see our favorite athletes on TV, they are sweating, they are ripped off, they are throwing these balls around and playing their sports and you are watching and they are like, drink this, it is going to get you the energy that you need to play like me and you are like, I was like wow, I'll drink that and be like as athlete. And here is the thing on sports drinks, sports drinks they are meant for athletes, they are not meant for regular people because athletes burn so much calories, they burn so much energy and they need it to prevent muscle loss. But normal people like us, unless we work out every day and honestly, I don't work out like every day like an athlete, 30 minutes, 45 minutes that's it and I know you do too. You don't need to drink that. If you drink sports drinks and you are not an athlete, you are going to be fat, because it still has sugars and those sugars do absorb fats in your body if you are not burning it off and alternates of that. And those electrolytes that they advertise there are actually better sources of electrolytes that you can eat from natural resources instead of getting it from across this sugary drink.

Well, if you are really trying to lose, the best alternative is drink a lot of water and if you need that energy, you can add this, maybe 45 minutes before you work out 30 minutes because it has a lot of potassium which is really good. It gives you energy, it gives you natural vitamins and also coconut water is really good for you too, which I talked about, actually it has a lot more potassium too, it also has a lot of potassium and all natural vitamins so it is really, really good.

sports drinks
sports drinks

The fifth one that we all think is really good is the junk food we all love to eat. It is the organic junk food, the one that they sell at those healthy food stores or healthy grocery stores. We all think they are actually good because it is in organic store so we think naturally. Oh, we are just going to get that and have it in my purse, I can eat it later but really it is not. For example, they have organic pizzas, organic potato chips, organic donuts really, Organic muffins and so on. So I mean it's just if you are trying to lose weight, try to stay away from these and what do you do think will be the best alternative for everyone?

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I was at the grocery store the other day, and this is a true story, just probably like maybe two days ago, I was picking up some stuff at Whole Foods and that is like our one of the more popular and healthy food stores and I remember I was going in there and I saw muffins and it had, I think it was like gluten-free muffins and when you look at the package, everything on there just basically talk about how healthy these muffins are. And you know for a second, I was like man, maybe these muffins are pretty good and even though I know that s not, but it was so hard because all the labels in this place, where everything is health conscious, all these labels tell you that it's healthy. So it is really tough to tell, like yeah, this is really good for me and here is the truth. These organic or these healthy junk foods are, they are better than regular junk foods. Because they are made with better stuff but they are still not better than meats, fruits and vegetables or not better than foods you are supposed to eat and by eating those, it's like eating a pizza but you are dabbing the oil off of the napkin so now it's like it's better for you, it has lower calories, has less oil. It will still get you fat. And the best thing you can do to lose weight really is to stay away from junk food altogether, but I have to admit that I don't, I still eat junk foods sometimes. but you know I can afford because I have the body that I am happy with now. Yeah, I worked really hard. So if I want to cheat a little bit, I do that. I can afford to some, but if you are trying to lose weight, the best thing honestly is stay away from junk food, drink a lot of water, stay hydrated and work out and have a vision of organic. Really, when I think about organic now that I know better, I would think, oh you know what, let me go, get a fresh fish or breast of chicken, everything that is organic and fruits and vegetables and so on. 
Also keep in mind, just because you are cutting out junk food now doesn't mean you can’t eat junk food altogether or you can't eat it for the rest of your life. You want to cut it out during the time you are trying to reach you goal, you are trying to lose fat and get in shape. If your goal is to lose 15 pounds and right now, you’fruit juiceve lost three already, don t go ahead and just mess it up by splurging and eating junk food. Wait till you get to your goal first and then once you are there, like i earlier said, now that she can tackle with her body, you can eat a little bit of junk food and it is okay because you are there. sometimes I do eat a cup cake and I do eat some muffins, but when I do (a) I don t eat a lot of it, and (b) I am there already to where I am happy with my body and it's not tough to go ahead and maintain once you reach it. But during the process of getting there, you want to go and stay away from all the foods that we talked about because even though they are all healthy alternatives, but they all hurt you from losing the fat and reaching your goal and you want to reach your goal as fast as you can. And I also want to say is once you get where you want to be and you lose all that weight then you can have all these foods because they are good if you get your body where you want it to be. So that way you could cheat a little bit. You cannot eat it.

So, there you go guys, here are the five foods that are labeled as healthy but you should never eat because they are going to make you FAT!

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