Lower Back Pain Relief

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Lower Back Pain
Low Back Pain

I tell you now, lower back, which usually heals on its own, but it is still the most common reasons to seek medical advice and is responsible for as much as 40% of absences due to sickness.

OK, at first a bit confusing information ... Back pain is not nearly never "sign of illness" but it's pretty normal experience two legs, walking in humans. Spinal structures such as the joints, bones, spacers and nervous system enabling the millions of things, we can help make our backs.

Between this great system crashes and we are experiencing the so-called "mechanical" back pain.

Pain intensity does not always correspond the severity of the problem and the majority of the pain heals itself without medical care. Despite this, 30% of the pain recurs Within 6 months and 40% of patients within a year. Does it sound familiar? You should see the recurrent back pain Instead of individual events chronic sensitivity and make yourself a pain management plan.

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You can learn from the people, who are doing well with chronic illnesses. They build around a support network and seeking help, their problems in time. They make small changes at a time and focus on the basics, such as stress management, sleep quality and maintaining activity.

Let's start with the pain itself and two very simple type of pain: The first is called.

Back Dominant Pain, where in the pain typically radiating from the back butt and or hip area. Although some people experience pain only on the back, and some again down to the feet, is a pain in his back still dominant. Many of these pain sufferers get relief from the pain (or the pain may temper) certain movements, such as bending backward or forward. Typically, this kind of pain comes and goes, sometimes cause muscle cramps in motion.

In fact, the back dominant pain is "good pain" because the nervous system or spinal cord is not corrupted and the need for surgery.

Another type of pain is called. Leg Dominant pain, which usually occurs in two ways. The first is due to intervertebral disc, which compresses the spinal nerves and radiating sciatica legs. When the sciatic nerve is pinched or irritated, we feel the pain in the leg anywhere Always the buttocks up to the foot. Pain may also be on the back, but the pain in the leg is dominant. The pain is constant, but seems to facilitate the lying down.

Sciatica is often helpful by itself, but you may still need advise and medication, and sometimes imaging, when considering surgery. It may be a good idea to talk with a professional management of sciatica. Radiating leg pain occurs Only when standing, walking or running and ease when inducing a cross and seated.

The pain can be felt anywhere in the foot and the pain may gradually get worse or legs felt heavy as walking, which may stop. The medical term for this is intermittent claudication and it occurs more than 60 years of age and it is caused by spinal canal stenosis. When this condition worsens nerve pain can be prevented and safe. Back pain, especially temporary and of short duration, is almost always a good quality.

Returning to the "red flags" which may require further research:

First red flag: a sudden change in stool or urine retention ability or numbness in the genital and anal area, which refers to that one could press the spinal nerves.

Second red Flag: Possible inflammation, For example, a constant feverishness, or injecting drug use, or impaired immune response, or an increased risk of urinary tract infections.

Third Red Flag: a possible fracture of the back. Does the pain started to crash, or a car accident or if you have osteoporosis.

Fourth Red Flag: cancer. If you have a history of cancer, especially prostate, breast or lung cancer, and back pain has been going on for weeks, and it feels even lying down and sleeping, or you have lost weight unexpectedly, this should be examined more closely.

Fifth Red Flag: back pain, associated with inflammatory disease, such as ankylosing. While this is a rare arthritis, chronic back pain patients its prevalence is 1/20. The typical onset of the disease in the range of from 15 to 35 years and the pain is at night and aamukankeutta lasts more than an hour, but the pain will facilitate moving.

The determination of "red flag" must consider: the need for röngten- or magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography? If you have found a "red flag" or are considering surgical treatment of persistent leg pain, imaging can be an excellent idea, but in fact, less than five hundred states something serious.

So help your imaging endings 95th ...? The answer is no. Professor Richard Deyon research team estimates that the only one in 2500 to states backs the description of the relevant findings. It is good to think about what harm would be the description. Well, at least the radiation, wasted time and money, but there are other things .. In one well-known study, 98 healthy human backs magnetic filmed and washers found changes 2/3. 

This contributed to their expectations and attitudes and is therefore very important observation.

What people should not say to himself is: Oh, I have a spinal disease, so it is better to stop exercise or whenever I feel a twinge in the back, it is a sign "illness". This brings me to "yellow flags".

These four "ticket" predict the risk of chronic low back pain. Ticket No. 1: the belief that back pain is harmful or may cause injury. 

Ticket No. 2: Fear activity and exercise or the avoidance of back pain because of it. The study was conducted among airport workers, which was a lot of back pain and months of sick leave. Dr. Bart Stall and his team in the Netherlands shared these alaselkäkipuiset employees two groups. The first group received the standard treatment.

The second group received it as well but little by little they patistettiin movement, and was taught to think, that they can live normally and to be active despite the pain. Scientists helped them get rid of the belief that all back pain is harmful, and it helped turn

2. Yellow flag tackling and reduced movement of avoidance.

Favourite to win the pain, if you do not care about the pain, Pain is also not a disadvantage. Yellow flag No.

3. Have a tendency to melancholy and isolation. This is associated with all chronic diseases. The fourth yellow flag relates to expectations of that passive treatment to help active treatment better. Pref treatment by the therapist, Instead, that would think that yours will do something for the benefit of yourself.

So now you know what signs to watch for. Finally, ... which helps back pain. Let's start with the movement. Even in the late '90s treatment is usually advised to rest. The definition of rest varied, but in general it meant to lie down in bed. We now know that this will only make things worse. Sometimes back pain may require a rest, such as severe sciatica, but the total immobility only worsen the situation. Exercise is medicine and painkillers to help you get moving.

The purpose is pain relief help you maintain movement. Effective pain relievers have also been found spinal manipulation, which makes the chiropractor or osteopath, or massage and acupuncture. These, combined with physical activity are active therapy, which help better than passive care. Pain easing Pilates and yoga-type species can help effectively, improving the body muscle strength, although the benefits have been difficult to prove trials.

Spinal manipulation or acupuncture should not be restarted indefinitely 8-10 is sufficient - or even a little less. If this number does not work, additional treatments are likely to be in vain. Two other means to help chronic pain, is a cognitive therapy, which modifies your way of thinking and our approach to pain and make your life easier. A multidisciplinary care team to help you. Medical point of view complex problems are rarely solved in one treatment option.

Ok, give a summary. Sudden back pain prognosis is excellent. Only 1/3 selkäkipuisista seek medical advice because most of the recovering himself. Up to 90% heals itself. The first period of the pain can be short or lasts for several weeks, but it will pass. 

When red flags have been ruled out, cope better with pain, while aware of the pain but does not focus on it. Movement and active treatments, X-ray images or other descriptions there is no need almost never that is, less is more in selkäkivussa. Nevertheless, it is not yet very strong research evidence, small changes can help, such as sitting without a break in or a good posture.

Also, chronic or recurrent back pain prognosis is good. Several studies show, that improves 1/3 selkäkipuisista in a few weeks and 2/3 after a few months. Renewable and chronic back pain however, requires a good co-operation. When aware that the back is sensitive to oireilemaan you should make the pain management plan, which may include yoga, Pilates or other you suitable exercise, even walking.

 In addition, check your attitude and seek help at an early stage in order to get active treatment all of these are likely to contribute. After all, back pain does not differ much from the rest of life: thinking habits and daily actions on crucial, the same self-knowledge.

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Experimenting with a couple of cures, Finding the most suitable of them for himself, red flags awareness, Applying for treatment, if necessary, and finally remember that the movement is medicine. Thank you and Take care.

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