Natural Treatments for Diabetes

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Treatments for Diabetes
Natural Treatment for Diabetes

Hey guys, Today I'm going to share with you my top tips for reversing diabetes and natural treatments for diabetes.

I promise, if you follow the diet tips, the supplement tips and the essential oil tips and lifestyle tips I give you, you're going to see results really, really fast. In fact, I had a patient, Kirby, who was able to reverse his diabetes in just two weeks. I've had other patients in less time, some in just a few months. I guarantee you can see great results with this.

Number one, let's start with diet. When it comes to diabetes, especially type 2 diabetes, we really need to balance out blood sugar. Diet-wise, there are certain foods that will help do that. First, let me kind of shape a meal for you. Ideally, your meals are going to be high in three things. Protein, fiber and healthy fat. So protein, fiber and healthy fat, those are the three things that are going to help balance out those blood sugar levels.

What's going to throw it off? Sugar and carbohydrates. Now, you want some carbohydrates, but just a smaller amount. If not, that blood sugar is going to go up and down. So remember that, protein, fiber, healthy fat during all of your meals.

Ideally, you're also going to get foods that are very high in a type of mineral called chromium. Chromium picolinate is found in high levels especially in broccoli. So for you, broccoli is the ideal superfood for diabetics in helping balance out blood sugar levels.

Also, consuming foods that are rich in magnesium. Magnesium has been shown to also help blood sugar levels, so foods like grass-fed beef, certain types of nuts and seeds, also, many vegetables are high in magnesium. So that's another place you want to go.

The number three food you want to focus on are foods that are high in fiber. This is probably the most important. You want to focus on fiber-rich food.
Some of those include artichokes, figs, also things like broccoli, green leafy vegetables, nuts and seeds like chia, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds are great, almonds, walnuts, celery, and there's a lot longer list than that. But you want to load up on that list of high-fiber foods and get as many of those as you can. That's going to support detoxification and going to support those healthy blood sugar levels.

The number four thing you want to do in terms of diet is start using coconut oil. Coconut oil is great for burning fat. It's great for blood glucose levels. Start cooking with coconut oil and using coconut milk or coconut oil in a morning superfood shake. Coconut oil is great, or else ghee, it's G-H-E-E, or grass-fed butter, all of those work for balancing out blood sugar levels. Get those healthy fatty acids. And then lots of protein. Wild-caught salmon is the best. After that, grass-fed beef, organic chicken and turkey, get more of that protein in your diet. That's the ideal sort of diet you want to be following if you have diabetes.

Now, the foods you want to stay away from are pretty obvious, but sugar and grains, really, you want to stay away from all sugar the best you can. You want to replace it with stevia, a no-calorie natural sweetener. If you have to use a sweetener, a little of raw honey in moderation can be okay. Once your diabetes is reversed and you're where you should be, raw local honey is another sweetener you can consider, as well as molasses.

Again, the big thing, I think you realize you shouldn't do a lot of sweets. But grains are another problem, especially gluten-containing grains, white flour products, wheat bread, even whole-grain breads and oatmeal. All of those types of things, you want to eliminate grains while you're healing from diabetes.

The other foods you want to eliminate as well are going to be conventional dairy products like conventional milk. Certain types of dairy can be okay, for instance, like a goat cheese, small amounts of raw organic goat cheese is fine, but other things aren't okay. You want to stay away from especially conventional milk. It contains a form of casein that's going to cause some major health issues and blood sugar issues.

The next thing you want to do is, here are the best supplements for naturally reversing diabetes. 

Number one is take a chromium picolinate supplement, 200 mg three times a day with your meals. So again, chromium picolinate, most important supplement for diabetes, 200 mg three times a day.

The next supplement is cinnamon. One teaspoon in the morning for breakfast, one teaspoon for lunch or dinner. Getting cinnamon in is great for blood sugar. Number three is a fish oil. That's going to help reduce inflammation. Fish oil is great for diabetes. Also, number four is going to be alpha-lipoic acid, known as ALA. It really works with your pancreas in naturally balancing out blood sugar levels. 

Number five is going to be magnesium. Magnesium is very effective at treating blood sugar levels.

Now, I want to talk about essential oils that are also effective. Two essential oils I'd recommend are going to be cinnamon and coriander. Coriander actually works with your liver and communication in helping balance out blood sugar levels, and cinnamon works with your pancreas. So your liver and your pancreas, two important organs for balancing out those blood glucose levels. What you can do is take a couple drops of coriander, a couple drops of clove with one teaspoon of coconut oil, rub those on the bottom of your feet, rub them on your body. You can even make your own homemade body butter or body lotion with those.

Those oils really help in maintaining healthy blood glucose levels.

Also, if you have diabetes, keep stress levels low. If you get stressed out, it is absolutely going to affect your hormones and your cortisol, which then in turn will affect your insulin levels.

So you want to keep stress levels low. I recommend a detox bath at night. Use some essential oils I talked about, something like the coriander with lavender oil with Epsom salts. Soak in a bath at night and relax. I recommend several times throughout your workday, get up and take a 10-minute walk, taking deep breaths, relaxing, getting outside. And then exercising is also crucial. Burst training exercise is the best, but really, any form of exercise, including weight training or cardio, is good as well if you want to naturally reverse diabetes.

So guys, this has been Solomon talking about natural treatments for diabetes. Hey, if you've enjoyed this, make sure you subscribe here to this channel. I've got a lot more natural cures and remedies coming your way. 

Thanks and stay healthy.

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