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Hyperactivity means having increased movement, impulsive actions, and a shorter attention span, and being easily distracted.
Hyperactive behavior usually refers to constant activity, being easily distracted, impulsiveness, inability to concentrate, aggressiveness, and similar behaviors.
Typical behaviors may include:Fidgeting or constant moving,Wandering,Talking too much, Difficulty participating in quiet activities (such as reading)
Hyperactivity is not easily defined. It often depends on the observer. Behavior that seems excessive to one person may not seem excessive to another. But certain children, when compared to others, are clearly far more active. This can become a problem if it interferes with school work or making friends.
Hyperactivity is often considered more of a problem for schools and parents than it is for the child. But many hyperactive children are unhappy or even depressed. Hyperactive behavior may make a child a target for bullying, or make it harder to connect with other children. Schoolwork may be more difficult. Kids who are hyperactive are frequently punished for their behavior.
Excessive movement (hyperkinetic behavior) often decreases as the child grows older. It may disappear entirely by adolescence.
Causes-Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, brain or  CNS disorders, emotionl disorders, hyperthyroidism
AGRARICUS MUS 30- It is suited to impatient patients who are clumsy in appearance , have a clumsy handwriting and whose clothes are generally stained. They cannot concentrate and forgot everything immediately
ARGENTUM NITRICUM 30- The patient is always hurried and impatient. He likes to finish before he has even begun. He does not live in the present and constantly asks, what is next. Children crave for sugar and candy though it makes them ill
ARSENICUM ALBUM 30—An Arsenicum patient has an immense liking for cleanliness. She is well dressed and well groomed. Always like all the articles to be placed in the right place and in the right order. She is oversensitive to her troubles ad sometimes thinks that it is useless to take medicine. She is miserly , selfish and very sensitive to disorder and confusion. She is actually not overactive but despair drives her from place to place
BARYTA  CARB.200- Child is very shy , averse to meet strangers. Hides on seeing a stranger
CHAMOMILLA 30-The patient is always moving, is impatient and angry . Never stys in one place. They are often unbearable. Wants a thing they do not have, but will reject it when offered. They do not like to be spoken to or even looked at. Children are better when carried. They sleep poorly and are oversensitive to pain. Specially suits to children and ladies
CYPRIPEDIUM PUB.30- Child wakes up at night and begins to play. He smiles and laugh
KALI BROMATUM 30 -The patient cannot keeps his hands still. Touches everything . Bites nalis. Forgots what to write , while writing . He has a poor memory and fails to concentrate . Sleeps poorly and grinds teeth during sleep. Nocturnal tremors
MAGNESIUM CARB 30-Child is very sensitive to touch. It causes startling . His whole body smells sour
TARENTULA HIS. 30- Cannot stay still for even a movement to read or write. They eat while standing or sitting , but always moves  their legs . The are however clamed by music and film songs
ZINCUM MET 30-Cannot keep his legs still

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