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Schizophrenia is a serious disorder which affects how a person thinks, feels and acts. Someone with schizophrenia may have difficulty distinguishing between what is real and what is imaginary; may be unresponsive or withdrawn; and may have difficulty expressing normal emotions in social situations.
Contrary to public perception, schizophrenia is not split personality or multiple personality. The vast majority of people with schizophrenia are not  violent and do not pose a danger to others. Schizophrenia is not  caused by childhood experiences, poor parenting or lack of willpower, nor are the symptoms identical for each person.
Types of schizophrenia-
Paranoid schizophrenia -- a person feels extremely suspicious, persecuted, or grandiose, or experiences a combination of these emotions.
Disorganized schizophrenia -- a person is often incoherent in speech and thought, but may not have delusions.
Catatonic schizophrenia -- a person is withdrawn, mute, negative and often assumes very unusual body positions.
Residual schizophrenia -- a person is no longer experiencing delusions or hallucinations, but has no motivation or interest in life.
Schizoaffective disorder--a person has symptoms of both schizophrenia and a major mood disorder such as depression.
Causes--The cause of schizophrenia is still unclear. Some theories about the cause of this disease include: genetics (heredity), biology (the imbalance in the brain’s chemistry); and/or possible viral infections and immune disorders.
Genetics (Heredity). Scientists recognize that the disorder tends to run in families and that a person inherits a tendency to develop the disease. Schizophrenia may also be triggered by environmental events, such as viral infections or highly stressful situations or a combination of both.
Similar to some other genetically-related illnesses, schizophrenia appears when the body undergoes hormonal and physical changes, like those that occur during puberty in the teen and young adult years.
Chemistry. Genetics help to determine how the brain uses certain chemicals. People with schizophrenia have a chemical imbalance of brain chemicals (serotonin and dopamine) which are neurotransmitters. These neurotransmitters allow nerve cells in the brain to send messages to each other. The imbalance of these chemicals affects the way a person’s brain reacts to stimuli--which explains why a person with schizophrenia may be overwhelmed by sensory information (loud music or bright lights) which other people can easily handle. This problem in processing different sounds, sights, smells and tastes can also lead to hallucinations or delusions.
Behaviors that are early warning signs of schizophrenia include:-Hearing or seeing something that isn’t there.A constant feeling of being watched.Peculiar or nonsensical way of speaking or writing.Strange body positioning.Feeling indifferent to very important . situations. Deterioration of academic or work performance. A change in personal hygiene and appearance. A change in personality. Increasing withdrawal from social situations.Irrational, angry or fearful response to loved ones. Inability to sleep or concentrate. Inappropriate or bizarre behaviour. Extreme preoccupation with religion or the occult

Symptoms-- A medical or mental health professional may use the following terms when discussing the symptoms of schizophrenia.
Positive symptoms are disturbances that are “added” to the person’s personality.
Delusions -- false ideas--individuals may believe that someone is spying on him or her, or that they are someone famous.
Hallucinations –seeing, feeling, tasting, hearing or smelling something that doesn’t really exist. The most common experience is hearing imaginary voices that give commands or comments to the individual.
Disordered thinking and speech -- moving from one topic to another, in a nonsensical fashion. Individuals may make up their own words or sounds.
Negative symptoms are capabilities that are “lost” from the person’s personality.--Social withdrawal. Extreme apathy. Lack of drive or initiative. Emotional unresponsiveness


HYOSCYAMUS NIGAR 200--Hyoscyamus Niger   is an effective remedy for those cases of Schizophrenia where the main symptom is delusion of persecution and the patient feels that others are making some plot against him. Another symptom  is-  suspicion and the patient’s perception that he will be poisoned, thus refusing to take anything offered, even medicine too ; there is a mistrust that his friends are no longer his friends and he carries on conversation with imaginary people. It can be recommended for patients in which the disease arises due to past unfortunate love relationships.

LACHESIS 200-Lachesis , is another effective remedy  for treating the delusion of persecution and its use is called for where the symptoms of suspicion and jealousy without any reason are present. Other symptoms are  aversion to mix with the world and excessive talkativeness also warrant its use.The  patient imagines that he is under the control of superhuman powers; that his friends and children are trying to damage him/her; that his friends are planning to put him in a mental asylum and that others are talking about him/her.

PLATINUM METALLICUM 200-Platinum Metallicum is an excellent medicine for treating delusion of grandeur . The characteristic features calling for this medicine to be used are the superiority complex, where the person feels that everyone around him/her is inconsequential and of no value and only he/she is superior and important. The schizophrenic patients requiring this medicine are very proud and arrogant in nature.

PHOSPHORUS 200-Phosphorus  is another excellent  medicine for curing the grandiose delusion. The patients for whom this medicine is usually recommended are those possessing an exaggerated idea of self-importance; over-sensitiveness to all external impressions; depression and indifferent behavior towards family and friends, and have strange  imaginations e.g. . that something is creeping out of every corner.  The symptoms get worse during thunderstorms.

ANACARDIUM ORIENTALE 200-Anacardium Orientale is an excellent  medicine that can be utilized in patients experiencing the auditory hallucinations. The patient requiring this medicine usually complains of hearing voices from far away that command him to do activities. He also hears voices of dead people. This medicine also works well in case of the symptoms of- excessive talkativeness coupled with the use of abusive words; suspicion at everything around him and anxiety while walking. He also feels as if someone is following him and talking about him .

CANNABIS INDICA 200--Cannabis Indica is a wonderful homeopathic medicine where disorganized speech is present in Schizophrenia . The important symptoms making Cannabis Indica  are   persistent thoughts crowding the brain which make the patient forget while talking and preventing rational speech. The patient forgets the last said words and cannot recall them; and has the fear of becoming insane and exhibits uncontrollable laughter.

STRAMONIUM 200-Stramonium is another remedy  for disorganized speech and the guiding symptoms are – continues talking , incomprehensible speech, excessive praying, religious mania,  fear of  darkness and the tendency to talk with spirits
ANACARDIUM ORIENTALE 200- Anacardium is another useful remedy for this condition. There is great weakening of memory. Another feature is excessive anger at the slightest offense. Dual personality.

ARSENIC ALBUM 200-Arsenic album is effective when this condition is due to fright or grief. There is great anguish and restlessness. Sadness and crying at slightest provation. Moreover there is fear of death. Also there is immense liking for cleanliness .

NUX VOMICA 200-Nux vomica patient has strong inclination to catch passing strangers. There is mania due to sleeplessness, prostration, and excitement . Nux vomica patients are very irritable , sensitive to all impressions and malicious . Cannot bear noises , odours, light etc. They are fault finding , quarrelsome, scolds and insult others.

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