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BOTANICAL NAME- Agrimonia eupatoria  Linn.
FAMILY-- Rose Family – ­Rosaceae
COMMON NAMES---Common agrimony, Church Steeples, Churchsteeples, Cockleburr, Sticklewort, Stickwort
HABITAT--Dryish meadows, coppices, forest margins, pastures, meadows, banks.
DESCRIPTION--It is rhizomatous  perennial herb. Height: 30–100 cm (12–40 in.). Stem long and short-haired, grooveless. Leaves: In basal rosette and alternate on stem, stalked, stipulate. Stem leaves smaller than rosette leaves, on upper part of stem leaves shorter than internodes. Blade pinnate, 3–6-paired, with terminal leaflet. Leaflets elliptic–lanceolate, large-toothed, underside densely haired, with glandular hairs (sparsely), greyish. Between leaflets small leaflets intermixed with large ones. Crushed leaves weakly fragrant. Flower: Corolla regular (actinomorphic), yellow, approx. 10 mm (0.4 in.) broad; petals 5, usually round-tipped, 4–5 mm (0.16–0.2 in.) long. Calyx 5-lobed. Stamens 10–12. Gynoecium separate, pistils 2. Inflorescence a long spike, flowers fragrant. Fruit: With hooked hairs, clearly grooved lengthwise, 7–10 mm (0.28–0.4 in.) long pome. Lowest hooked hairs aligned towards crown. Flowering time: July–August.
PART USED- Flowers
AUTHORITY- Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia of USA
LIVER TROUBLES—It is a good remedy for liver disturbances. Craving for stimulants is a frequent indication.Often people in need of Agrimony show the desire to not let others down and burden them with their personal problems, instead they intend cheer and uplift others.The person is oversensitive to influences and ideas.
ANXIETY-  There is restlessness in mind and body. Anxieties and worries . Internal disquiet , nervousness and hurried. Anxieties build up, restlessness and a sense of dissatisfaction. Grief or other forms of disappointment . Resentment or guilt which are not being worked through. Unresolved conflicts or trauma. Inner restlessness. Often finds some relief in drugs, entertainment  or other forms of diversion. Quarrels distress and bring unhappiness.
PAIN—Agrimony will greatly ease pain in a patient who is smiling despite pain and internal torture . Suppression, over compliance and denial of emotions.
POTENCY---1x and higher

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