Ayurveda Retreat & Spa - Wellness Par Excellence

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Ayurveda Retreat

An Ayurveda retreat aims at offering its clients with some of the most unbelievable benefits from the area of Ayurveda, yoga as well as meditation. Its programs and procedures are aimed at offering holistic personal-care services, besides providing therapies and cure for various, some serious, physical problems.

Ayurvedic Panchakarma Treatments

One of the most availed services at the Ayurveda retreat includes Panchakarma, a typical Ayurvedic Detoxification technique that includes a set of five different healing treatments. Ayurveda recommends this detoxification procedure before undergoing any kind of major treatment. Even otherwise, Panchakarma is believed to be highly useful in the arena that it removes toxins from all systems in our body, strengthens muscles and joints, improves appetite, boosts concentration and quality of sleep, among a whole lot of other benefits.

External Therapies

Ayurveda retreat centre is also known for offering some of the best rejuvenation treatments, some of which include:
Abhyanga – a whole body massage followed by a sweda, a medicated bath. It detoxifies and revitalizes our body and offers some much needed nourishment to the skin.
Shirodhara – for relieving stress, anxiety and depression; tackling insomnia; strengthening sensory organs and much more – this particular treatment involves pouring on the forehead some warm and medicated, though completely natural, oils.
Navarakizhi – a much effective massage for anti-aging, this treatment helps in reducing body aches, strengthens our tissues, cuts down the chances of suffering from Arthritis, etc.
Other rejuvenating services include Netra Tarpana, Netra Dhara, Sweda, Talapodichil, Shiropichu, Chakra Basti, Udvarta etc.


As Yoga is one of the most ancient therapeutic practices on the planet, a variety of yoga poses, procedures and techniques i.e. Yoga Asanas and Pranayama (breathing techniques), would generally be a part and parcel of fitness regime at the Ayurveda retreat centre. This is because the practice of yoga can be of great assistance to enhance the healing potential of Ayurvedic Treatments. Also according to Ayurveda the practice of yoga is a very important natural and preventive measure to good health.


Meditation happens to be one of the much sought after services at these Retreat Centres. Meditation, as we know it, is beyond simply trying to witness your mind activities. It is a wonderful healing practice in itself, which makes us calm and relaxed from inside and allows us to reach a state of super-consciousness. After having a good session of meditation, we feel physically much relaxed, and our mind becomes more quick and alert.

Ayurvedic Beauty Packages

Gaining Beauty with Ayurveda is one of the many beauties offered by a retreat centre. The various treatments followed for achieving a beautiful, glowing skin have typically been adopted from the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda and Yoga Sutra. Some of these include – Ayurveda Kesh Saundarya, Pad Saundarya, Hatha Saundarya, application of Mehendi, etc. And we are not just talking about the physical aspect of beauty – achieving beauty in the mental, emotional and spiritual spheres of life is also important, and is something that is well taken care of by experts at the Ayurveda Retreat Centres.

Some of the advanced therapies Ayurvedic retreat centres are aimed at offering are specialised services in curing chronic diseases, such as Anaemia, Asthma, Anxiety, Anti-aging, Diabetes, Drug addiction, kidney stones etc, among a number of others. Exclusive services catering to the individual requirements of each patient are offered by Ayurvedic experts from the respective fields. Besides, Kaya Kalpa and Kaya Chikista also happen to be some of the very exclusive services by Ayurveda.

The Ultimate Goal

The ultimate goal of an Ayurveda Retreat Centre and Spa is to familiarize its clients with the traditional and authentic wisdom of the Science of Ayurveda and make them experience each one of these. The staff at retreat centres makes special efforts in catering its clients so as to offer them with an overall well being of mind, body and soul.

Watch Video - Ayurveda Retreat Experience - Coconut Health Benefits Here

About the Author:
Dr Sonica Krishan is Author and Speaker in the areas of Healthy and Joyous Living through Ayurveda, Meditation, Yoga and other Contemplative practices. She is a leading Ayurveda Professional in India. She is also Health Writer, Columnist, Editor, Ayurveda Consultant and Holistic Healing Coach. Dr Sonica is open for National as well as International Collaborations with interested people / institutions in fields of Ayurveda, Meditation and Yoga.

Dr Sonica Krishan's Books are available at Amazon

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