Are Artificial Sweeteners Safe For Diabetes?

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If you happen to be one of those who believe that some amount of sugar occasionally or every once in a while is okay for the diabetics, well, we beg to differ. Although sugar alone is not the cause behind this disease, yet it is very much likely for an already diabetic person to fall prey to a number of other serious ailments if he/she continues to consume sugar or sugar-based products. It is thus commonly known fact that people suffering from diabetes need to control their blood sugar level, which also means regularly monitoring their sugar intake.

Considering the Diabetics Diet

Just how far and to what extent can one go in order to absolutely cut out sugar from his/her diet? There is always some amount of sugar present in most of the everyday things we eat or drink. The term ‘Diabetics diet’ has been coined from the clinical phenomenon; which also means using sugar substitutes and, consuming controlled portions of carbohydrate. Nevertheless, it has been observed that those suffering from diabetes eventually have difficulty in controlling their blood sugar levels. This is either because their body is unable to produce sufficient insulin, or that it has grown resistant to the same. And therefore, the blood sugar levels in their body manage to shoot right up at the slightest provocation.

Is Sugar So Bad For You?

A rise in the level of blood sugar, however, is not the only risk factor to be considered by a diabetic. Triglycerides, as we know them, are a type of fat in our blood. A high triglyceride level, besides a high bad cholesterol level and a poor lipid profile, can make a diabetic person highly prone to the risk of coronary heart diseases, if he/she continues to consume sugary products. The worst part is that sugar also is an obscenely rich source of calories and contains almost no nutritional value as such. Ever wondered why foods and beverages rich in sugar are almost never too filling for us? While on the other hand, having too much sugar might even lead to weight gain and obesity.

How Sugar Affects Diabetics

In case of diabetes, it is medically recommended to control the glucose level. This is because too much sugar in your blood can lead to dire health consequences like damage to blood vessels and heart, blindness, kidney damage, and more. A high blood-glucose level i.e. hyperglycaemia, would make a person suffer from severe symptoms such as weakness or tiredness, frequent headaches, feeling very thirsty, lack of attention, and blurred vision. It may even lead to a state of temporary blindness, if not monitored in time. On the other hand, a low blood-sugar level which is termed as hypoglycaemia would make the person very hungry, dizzy, in a confused state of mind along with a feeling of anxiety and weakness, more often than not. Not only this, one may also suffer from frequent headaches, sweating, and a fast heartbeat. Therefore, diabetes is a serious health issue, as we can understand from the aforementioned points.

Taking Heed Is Essential

There are many people who still say that yes, my sugar level is little high, or my sugar level is on the border-line and I need not worry about evading some extra sugar. Yet diabetes should be considered as a serious health issue, in which diet needs to be regulated properly. It is a wise idea to seek professional help for a diet plan from your healthcare consultant. Ideally, food with processed sugar should be avoided. At the same time, one may take natural source of sugar such as fructose or even starch present in seasonal fruits and vegetables.

Do We Have A Solution?

So, if it is really all that bad, how must one try and reduce the sugar intake? While, we need some sweet taste in our lives, but the key is to consume it in careful moderation. We all know that almost all fruits happen to contain some sugar of their own. And also the sugar intake in the body could be through carbohydrates; in addition, it is good to have certain food choices. It is always worthwhile to keep the sugar intake small and to follow simple dietary and lifestyle changes that can dramatically reduce the overall negative impact of sugar on your health. At the end of the day, so as to maintain our wellbeing, we all should be eating less and less sugar. Actually we also need to consume less of saturated fat and salt, for that matter - in order to keep our blood glucose, cholesterol and blood pressure in check. This practice is essentially simple and practical too. And yet there are artificial sweeteners that have been considered as the 'in-thing' for a long time now, as they allow you to be able to cater to your sweet-tooth, while controlling calorie and carbohydrate intake. However, you need to make sure that you refrain from taking too much of artificial and synthetic type of sweeteners, which could only be doing more harm than good.

Watch Video: Agni - Ayurveda Digestion Mantra here

About the Author:

Dr Sonica Krishan is Author and Speaker in the areas of Healthy and Joyous Living through Ayurveda, Meditation, Yoga and other Contemplative practices. She is a leading Ayurveda Professional in India. She is also Health Writer, Columnist, Editor, Ayurveda Consultant and Holistic Healing Coach. Dr Sonica is open for National as well as International Collaborations with interested people / institutions in fields of Ayurveda, Meditation and Yoga.

Dr Sonica Krishan's Books are available at Amazon 

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