3 Ways to whiten skin fast naturally

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3 Ways to Whiten Skin - Having white skin for most people asia is a pride in itself. So they sometimes perform a variety of ways to whiten skin. No wonder when the skin whitening products is very demand. I take an example in the country of Indonesia woman will look beautiful in the eyes of the opposite sex if they have white skin. Although the face of a mediocre but whites still will be the glance of the weaker sex.

Believe it or not see for yourself. Therefore, be thankful for the women who are already basically have white skin color because the dominant people of Indonesia have a brown color. But what if adna appeared to have a dark skin color and want the color of your skin is white? .

Choosing to use cosmetics is not the best way because it has dangerous side effects, besides skin color will turn white naturally. Do not be afraid, because now many natural and easy way whiten skin. Consider the following steps.

3 Ways to Whiten Skin

1. Use Lime

Lemon Extract has begun to be used and added to produj beauty products for skin whitening. However, using natural extracts of lime is better and safer. How to whiten skin using lemon juice, take some lemon juice, slices and squeeze the water and mix with chicken egg white. After that, apply a mixture of lemon juice throughout the skin was like bleached. Use a paint brush to get better results, then let stand for 15 minutes and rinse with clean water.

2. Fruit Yam

Fruit yam has been clinically proven to whiten the skin, it also encourages the skin whitening products maker to add yam extract into the product. But the fruit is rather difficult to obtain because bengkoang men are not very frequently used. How to whiten skin using a yam the same as using citrus. Yam puree fruit to taste and make a mask for the skin to apply a section on putihkan.

3. Milk Bath

Activities milk bath was not for style-gayaan, it has particularly milk bath for skin whitening properties, but to be able to milk baths of course we need a big expense, especially if you have to do it regularly. Usually they are often bathing milk is having a fat wallet, if you are curious you can try it at all times and feel the benefits.

That's three ways whiten skin naturally, if you do it regularly then you will get better results anyway.


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