5 Ways a natural and healthy diet

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How natural diet - Diet is an attempt to lose weight for those who have excess weight. But sometimes a lot of people misunderstand the correct diet so that what is expected is not likely to match what is available. Many people who become stressed because of failed diets so that instead of being slim even be getting fatter.

This time I will give you some ways a natural diet based on everyday experiences and based on a study for a biology student. I'll give you some ways a natural diet that we do not always bother with the ways and medicines to diet quickly.

How natural diet

1. Keep health
Healthy diet is closely related to the problem of people who have a certain disease has the potential to become ill and may have a thin body and overeating. Avoid stress and alcohol in order to improve your health. Too much sitting can also make the stomach to be bloated and overweight.

2. Eat regularly

Eat regularly every day to make your body work as scheduled. Your body would not be surprised if you suddenly receive food in the stomach. Avoid eating snacks at any time, for without you realizing it if you could just eat snacks has been eat without feeling full. Besides eating when hungry and stop before satiety as sunnah the prophet SAW was a natural diet. Why? for eating when hungry means you put food when your body really need it, so the body will not be excess energy. Conversely when to stop eating before satiety means we make food excess body because the body should be filled out by each 1/3 of food, drink and air to breathe.

3. Diligent fasting

Fasting can make the body regulate energy consumption patterns and food supplies, but it also can make the body use stored energy reserves during fasting. The body will use the energy reserves while fasting day. So the person who is fasting can still have energy while not eat more than 12 hours.

4. Regular exercise

Exercise can burn calories and fat in the body. Some specific types of exercise to burn fat quickly and can burn fat slowly. That is why the athletes on average have the perfect body and the balance between height to weight. Jogging sports holiday can be an easy exercise choice and cheap.

5. On the move

Remember you that when a person's body to be slim is on school days. Why? school for high school especially their average weighted minds continually - again. Thus deplete their energy, in addition to solid activity at school from 7 am to 2 pm to make children participate sma depleted energy reserves as well. My experience in high school so, unlike the case when entering the college and the workplace where the pressure will be less than the weight of the students or office workers sometimes be increased more than in high school.

Supplement: Dietary difficult for those who have children obese because fat genes will be reduced in children and difficult to change. But the bottom line is that a natural diet to maintain health and diet, not reducing the amount of food. Good luck good luck.

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