About Diseases Typhoid

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Typhoid disease or in the language of medicine known as Abdominal Typhus (typhoid) are caused by a type of bacteria called Bacillus Typhoid. The bacteria attack the network - the network nodes. The disease often strikes in children older than 2 years. Although it was not included as a dangerous disease, but often makes parents worry because the symptoms that follow typhoid is usually also can lead to dehydration and inflammation of the brain when it is not handled properly.

Symptoms of typhoid:
  • Berlahan fever - land starting from malaise and loss of appetite for several days
  • After 5-7 days of high fever emerged that could even reach 40 degrees Celsius
  • There are complaints constipation because the digestive tract is attacked. In certain cases, the patient can not defecate until a week
  • Heart rate was slowed
  • There may be a rash on the skin surface
  • Swelling of the spleen 


Because this disease attacks the gastrointestinal tract, the things you can do to prevent typhoid is by keeping the food we eat. This does not just mean eating so we eat should always be clean, but we must also consider ranging from food sources, processing methods, and how they are presented. The most important thing is as much as possible mneghindari consume foods that contain lots of chemicals and preservatives.

In addition, the prevention of typhoid can be done by getting typhoid immunization. This type of immunization given 3x as much, that at the age of 15 months, 16 months, and 17 months and 3 years repetition performed. Immunization can also be given to an adult if there is one family member who experienced an attack of typhoid.

TREAT typhoid

Basically, with just enough rest this disease can be cured by itself. Especially if the person is still knowingly consume only soft textured foods such as porridge can actually speed up the healing process of this typhoid. If it turns out needed inpatient care in a hospital, the patient will usually in infusion as a way to provide enough fluids and nutrients to patients. With adequate rest until fully recovered condition will certainly make the healing process faster. Do not rush - rush to the conclusion that typhoid fever has been gone now starting to fall due to typhoid fever conditions will occur on - off to the right patient - completely healed.


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