Benefits and efficacy of a date

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Benefits and efficacy of palm fruit, palm fruit usually accompany during bullshit fasting. dates are also often used to break the fast. because the content of which is owned palm can restore our stamina during fasting.

Usually when breaking we are encouraged to consume sweet foods and beverages. return it to us for berpuasa.salah stamima only by eating a date. Well you certainly wonder why a date.

This time I will share information about the benefits and efficacy of a date for your body.

  • Palm fruit as a source of energy. in this case is caused because dates contain glucose were very tinggi.maka very suitable dates during Ramadan mindless consumption to replace the calories we were berkurangg after fasting all day.
  • Dates are also efficacious menlancarkan metanolisme body as sugars, fats and, vitamins are very useful for smooth metabolism. And also suitable for people who are dieting,
  • Can prevent and fight heart disease because dates contain niacin. Therefore, if you want to have a healthy heart multiply consume dates. Soak a date overnight with water and then drink the concoction 2x a week.
  • Without us knowing it apparently dates can be used to treat diarrhea and stomach cancer have no side effects other than palm easily digested.
  • Dates can also be used to treat diseases associated with the colon. This is caused because dates contain a functioning nicotinic control bacteria in the gut.
  • Additionally dates are also very powerful in use as an antidote to alcohol, scrub and soak dates for one night.Then use the herb as an antidote to alcohol.

That's the benefit of a date. hopefully this article useful for you all.


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