Efficacy Melon Juice

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Who does not know a melon? So, is there anyone of you do not like? Did you know the usefulness?

Some states do not like just because it smells fragrant melon. They said eating fruit that tastes like no perfume fragrance. However, for some people who like the melon fruit, fresh fruit is very reasonable, lots of water, cool, peel and even new cupboard has not cooled in ice. Sweet and fragrant.

People often eat this fruit directly, just peeled the skin. There is also a small cut just eaten. Ice fruit sold or served at a party is often mixed with melon. In fact, melon is perfect when the juice is very nutritious because it implies you know, to relieve the burning sensation in the stomach.

Jus Melon - Melon Fruit Origin

Melon (Cucumis Melo L.) is a fruit crop, including the family Cucurbitaceae, which says a lot coming from the Valley melons Hot Persian or Mediterranean area which is the border between West Asia to Europe and Africa. And this plant eventually spread to the Middle East and to Europe.

In the 14th century melon brought to America by Columbus and eventually cultivated extensively in Colorado, California, and Texas. Finally melon spread all over the world, especially in tropical and subtropical regions, including Indonesia.

The types of melon are known are:
  • Melon Christianism (1850)
  • Sill Melon Hybrid (1870)
  • Melon Surprise (1876)
  • Melon Ivondequoit, Miller Cream, netted Gem, Hacken Sack and Osage (1881-1890)
  • Honey Rock Melon and Improved Perfecto (1933)
  • Melon Imperial (1935)
  • Melon Queen of Colorado and Honey Gold (1939)
Melon fruit used as food fresh fruit with vitamin A and C are quite high. Melon Orange is rich in beta carotene. If combined with lemon juice, they help eliminate uric acid. Good to help eliminate lung cancer, obesity, Crohn's disease, and stomach upset.

Melon is a fruit that grow in subtropical climates and contain high sugar and lycopene, which serves as an anti-cancer. Red and orange melon also contains caroteroid that can protect the body's cells against free radical damage and can also be converted into vitamin A in the body. Vitamin A is needed to maintain the skin's immune system healthy eyes. Melon is known as the fruit that contains high water content. A slice of melon with a glass of water. Melon also contains vitamin C.

Jus Melon - Melon Fruit Types Can Be Made Juices

Melon melon juice can be turned out to consist of some kind. During this time we do not know if munkin melon also has its own kind. So what are the types of melon melon juice can be used as is? Here are some types of melon:

Musk Melon

The fruit is round with an average weight of 1-1.8 kg. Her skin was rough and berjaring or grooved, yellowish, orange flesh and there is also a bright-green. An example of this type is the melon from the Italo-America.

Cantaloupe Melon

The fruit is round slightly oval with an average weight of 1.2-1.8 kg. Rind smooth or berjaring, whitish green, orange flesh, high sugar content and aroma is not sharp and can be retained for long. melon in the French example and Sakata Charantais 144.

Winter Melon

The fruit is oval with an average weight of 1.5-2.5 kg and slow maturity. Fine fruit leather stripes or striped, green-yellow-puith milk, flesh hard, bright white-green color, high sugar content, crisp aroma and can be retained for long. Examples of this type of melon that has long cultivated a group Casamba and Honey Dew.

Oriental Sweet Melon

Oval melon fruit, average weight 0.4 to 0.6 kg. Fruit skin smooth, pale green to whitish-yellow putihan.Daging buanh very sweet, aroma and taste less sharp. This plant is easy to adapt in hot humid climates.

Melon Juice - The Harum Manis and Rich Benefits

When we drink this melon juice, taste cool and fresh it up to the stomach. Try and look for a moment, you will prove to yourself that our stomach feels good, cool, and we feel a mild stomach. Melon can also relieve heartburn or ulcers.

Melon fruit contains Vitamin A, B, and C. Efficacious for smoothing the skin, eyes healthy, our immune system increases, we are not easily tired muscles working well, we are not susceptible to the flu, and anti oksidannya enough to help prevent ourselves from excessive oxidation. If we are eating melon, of reactions that causes the skin to wrinkle easily preventable.

Some proteins are also present in melon. Every day we have to consume protein. Generally, animal protein be our choice, while vegetable protein is better than hewani.Kandungan protein calcium and phosphorus can be obtained at the Melon. As a mineral, calcium and phosphorus in the form of melon salt solution is alkaline, because the calcium to form cations and anions forming phosphorus.

Melon nutritional content is 15.00 mg calcium, 25.00 milligrams of phosphorus, 0.5 mg iron, 34 mg vitamin C, 640 mg IU Vitamin A, and 0.03 mg of Vitamin B1. Melon contains an anticoagulant called adenosine so as to stop the clotting of blood cells that can lead to stroke or heart disease. Meanwhile, the carotenoid content of high melon fruit can prevent cancer and reduce the risk of lung cancer because it is the main compound attackers cancer.

Calcium ions in water is stable, while the phosphate ions are less stable because it reacts with water, which is known as hydrolysis. Therefore, the melon is alkaline so as to neutralize excess stomach acid. These minerals can also cure constipation. Increased stomach acid needs to be lowered due to interfere with digestion.

Other days are still encouraged to eat fruit, can be varied. Instead, if one day we did not get to buy fruit, we need to be varied with the vegetables, because the fiber and minerals we need.

Melon contains an anticoagulant, which adenosine. Therefore melon can prevent coagulation (clotting) of blood cells which can lead to stroke in people with high blood pressure and heart. Melon also contains carotenoids is high so as to prevent cancer, especially lung cancer.

Melon has a very good diuretic power so that it can cure kidney disease and severe eczema and acute. If combined with lemon, melon can eradicate uric acid. For people who suffer from the above, should consume melon juice every morning. Vary your melon juice with milk, it would be delicious.

Melon on Melon Juice Benefits for Health

Melon fruit in the melon juice when we routinely consume highly nutritious for health. Above has been described in broad outline what benefits melon in melon juice. So what are the benefits of a melon in particular for our health?

Not much different from other fruits, melons benefits for health also not small. Water content that would be useful to give a lot of fluids in the body. Remember, every day our body needs at least two liters of water. And because it was fresh and cold, melons are also able to give a sense of cool in the body.

Mineral content melons able to remove the acidity of the body must be removed because it can interfere with digestion, particularly in the stomach organ. He is also able to cure constipation. In addition, the content of anticoagulant called adenosine to stop clotting of blood cells that can lead to stroke or heart disease. Being a high carotenoid content in melon fruits can prevent cancer and reduce the risk of lung cancer.

In addition, the melon has a very good diuretic power so that it can cure kidney disease and severe disease and acute eczema. If combined with lemon, melon can suppress the uric acid.

As for the often exposed to canker sores, do not be bored to eat melon, because the disease can also be prevented by combining it with other fruit. For example, apple or grape tomatoes. Additionally through the abundant water content, melons can diuretic. Upshot melon benefits for our body health are:
  1. As anticancer.
  2. Exhaust system helps to prevent constipation.
  3. Reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.
  4. Prevent blood clots.
  5. Reduce the risk of kidney disease.
  6. Eczema cure.
  7. Prevent and cure heartburn.

Melon Juice Recipe

Sari Melon Juice Longan


100 grams of melon, cut into pieces
100 grams of longan, cut into pieces
60 g green beans, cut into pieces
60 ml of water
1 tbsp honey
1 tablespoon lemon juice / juice
3 pieces of ice cubes

How to Make:

Insert pieces of melon, litchi, green beans, water, lemon juice, and ice cubes into blender jar. Puree until smooth then strain. Pour the juice into a glass and drink immediately.

Cucumber Melon Juice

  • 200 g diced melon
  • 2 young cucumber, cut into pieces
  • 100 ml syrup melon
  • 1 orange juice, take the water
  • 100 ml of ice water
  • Ice cubes to taste

How to Make:
  • Put all ingredients in blender.
  • Process until smooth
  • Pour into glasses and serve for 3 servings.


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