Early Symptoms of HIV Disease

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HIV following signs of a general nature that we can recognize easily:

  • Weight plummeted more than 10% in a month, or a thin suddenly without apparent cause.
  • Prolonged fever by more than one month.
  • Decreased consciousness and neurological disorders.
  • Dementia / HIV encephalopathy.
  • Suffering from chronic diarrhea that lasts more than a month, this causes the body weak and dehydrated.

In addition there is also a common symptom of early symptoms of HIV AIDS that are special can you identify the person affected by HIV-AIDS disease, following the early symptoms of HIV disease AIDS which is specifically that:

  • Strong and cough continuously for more than one month.
  • Zostermultisegmental herpes zoster and recurrent herpes.
  • Also arise progressive chronic herpes simplex.
  • There fungal infections repeatedly on a woman's genitals.
  • Generalized dermatitis.
  • Kandidias oropharyngeal.
  • Generalized lymphadenopathy.
  • Cytomegalovirus retinitis.

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