Various kinds of bone disease

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There are many types of diseases including inflammation of bone joints, tumors and degenerative diseases some of which are included in the category of silence disease / illness quietly because the symptoms of the disease does not feel or seem real to people starting experience and can indirectly lead to a variety of things to make someone dies.

In many cases of bone disease is the most common bone loss / osteoporosis can lead to fractures that make a person must always be a lying position so that sewage disturbed respiratory tract and lung infections there that cause people to die. According to some studies that the risk of death for people who suffer from bone loss with people who suffer from breast cancer even more than the number of patients who suffer from cervical cancer.

The cause of bone disease

Various kinds of bone disease is very diverse and of course the cause is also certainly vary
  • Congenital abnormalities, eg osteogenesis imperfecta, Marfan syndrome, syndrome Aperts, etc.
  • Inflammation / inflammation, either specific like tuberculosis osteomyelitis, osteomyelitis sypilis, and non specific.
  • Trauma, assorted broken bones due to accidents and so on.
  • tumor, a variety of benign and malignant tumors, including the primary and secondary in this class.
  • Degenerative. This disorder can be primary due to the aging process, or secondary to other bone abnormalities. Examples: low back pain, cervical pain, neck shoulder arm syndrome, etc.
  • Others. Included are the diseases which can not be classified in the above categories, such as avitaminosis, metabolic abnormalities (such as bone disorders in hyperparathyroidism, etc.), bone abnormalities is not known why

Type of bone disease the most common:
  • Osteoporosis is a condition in which the bones brittle as bone density decreases so that bones become brittle and easily broken. Osteoporisis generally caused by lack of calcium intake on bone
  • Arthritis is the inflammation of the joints which gives pain and sometimes a change bones position. One famous example is rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Ankylosis is a disorder of the joints can not be driven menyababkan joints where the ends of the bones seemed to unite inter
  • Osteomalacia: These diseases cause bones to become weak due to deficiency, vitamin D or errors of metabolism in the body. As with osteoporosis, osteomalacia also potentially make rapid bone fractures.
  • Rickets is often experienced by children who are growing. Bone formation in patients with abnormal rickets, which is a buildup of calcium in the bones due to eating too much dairy calcium or due to solar radiation.
  • Rickets is a disease of bone that occurs due to lack of vitamin D that generally lead form crooked leg bones to form the letter O or X.


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