Kidney and urinary tract diseases in children

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Kidney and urinary tract diseases in children, Generally they assume that kidney disease was only found in adults. In addition, if the doctor said their child had kidney disease, so that they are thought her son would be undergoing surgery or dialysis. It comes from their question that often arises is: "Does my child surgery doctor? "Or" Is my child going on dialysis? '

The question asked parents to appear due to a lack of understanding by parents about kidney disease and urinary tract in children. To that end, in this paper, we present a glimpse of the anatomy, function, and diseases of the kidney and urinary tract in children.

Know kidney

Every man has 2 (two) kidneys, located in the waist area, in the angle between the spine and ribs curved rear, one on the left and one on the right. Each kidney large about the size of a clenched fist. In each kidney, there was 1 vascular net (artery), 1 blood vessels (veins), and 1 in the urinary tract (ureter). Arteries coming from the heart to carry blood to the kidneys, and blood will undergo a screening process.

After undergoing the screening process, which has been filtered dialir blood through the blood vessels (veins) out of the kidneys and back to the heart. The results of the screening process before going out in the form of urine through the ureter were removed, and passed into the bladder. Once the bladder is full, people will feel the urge to urinate.

The kidneys have a very important part in regulating kidney function is called renal functional units (nephrons). Each kidney has 1 million nephrons. In the nephron is the process of filtering the blood and urine formation

Kidneys obtained from the blood of 25% each time the heart pumps blood. Every day, as many nephrons had produced about 180 liters of fluid filtered kidneys, but the average number of human urine is 1-2 liter/24 hours. This means no re-absorption of an approximately 170-liters of filtered fluid and into the blood vessels, and this absorption occurs in the nephron

Renal Function
Kidney is a vital organ with the primary function of maintaining fluid and electrolyte balance in the body. Renal function include:
  1. Removing the rest of metabolism or processing of nutrients, especially protein
  2. Set the amount of body fluid
  3. Maintain the electrolyte balance in the body
  4. Participate in the formation of red blood cells
  5. Regulate blood pressure
  6. Regulate calcium balance
By looking at kidney function, it can be understood about what happens if the kidneys are not functioning anymore. Patients will have increased processing residual protein (the smell of urine), swelling, water little or no urine, weakness or cramps due to electrolyte disturbances, pale from anemia, high blood pressure, bone loss or osteoporosis. Additionally, it will happen impaired brain function, heart, and other body parts.

Symptoms of kidney disease

Kidney and urinary tract diseases are very many kinds. Each of these diseases cause symptoms alone, so the symptoms of kidney disease depends on the type of illness. Some of the symptoms of kidney and urinary tract diseases that are often found in children include:
  1. Fevers
  2. Redness or bloody urine
  3. Swollen eyelids, legs (edema)
  4. Bulging belly (ascites)
  5. Urinary disorders such as painful urination, Anyang-anyangan (little urine and pain), urine dripping, a little amount of urine, the amount of urine a lot, bedwetting
  6. Severe abdominal pain (colic)
  7. Pain in the lumbar region
  8. Hypertension or high blood pressure
  9. Pale
  10. Exit powder or stone during urination
  11. Bone disorders
  12. Skin disorders
  13. Short stature
  14. In newborns: yellow, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, fussy
  15. Etc.


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