4 Benefits of Soy Milk for Health and Diet

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The first country to produce soy milk is China. Benefits of soy milk very much at all, especially for health. Soy milk is made by soaking, grinding, boiling soybeans and soymilk, forming a highly nutritious.

Health Tips will discuss about the benefits of soy milk. Soy contains essential fatty acids, fiber, and protein is high enough. It can be said that a healthy beverage is able to maintain body functions in order to work optimally. Here are four benefits of drinking soy milk for our health.

Benefits of Soy Milk for Health

Prevent Cholesterol

Unlike other dairy compounds in soy milk has the ability to improve lipid profiles in your blood. Adanay unsaturated fatty acids in soy may inhibit cholesterol in the blood. If you regularly consume soy milk can lower high cholesterol levels and also prevents the statement, coronary heart disease.

Prevent Prostate Cancer

You need to know if there are hormones in milk soy phytoestrogens, hormones derived from plants can inhibit testosterone production in men in particular. With the decline in testosterone levels, it can significantly reduce the risk statement, prostate cancer.

Preventing Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is a statement, which usually affects the elderly. Hormones phytoestrogens in soy may help speed up the absorption of calcium by the body and prevents the loss of bone mass that makes bones strong and the hereafter.

Benefits of Soy Milk For Diet

Lose Weight
Compared to the other milk, soy milk's natural sugar contains quite low. If calculated mathematically, cow's milk has about 12 grams of sugar per cup of soy milk only 7 grams. In addition, the unsaturated fatty acid content of soy milk can inhibit the absorption of fat in the intestine, making it very effective menurunan weight.

The fourth benefit is in getting the soy milk and the nutritional content of plant-based compounds derived from plants. For those who have never or do not like to drink soy milk I hope by reading this article could change your mind.

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