Do not underestimate Stomach Pain

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Abdominal pain. Anyone would have experienced. Most people who bellyache consider it normal and will go away by itself. From now on, let us not think so. Reported Best health page on Wednesday (19/09), abdominal pain suddenly came good not to be ignored, because it could be a symptom of a serious disease.

Here are the symptoms of abdominal pain may be a symptom of certain diseases.

1. Burning sensation just below the breastbone, especially after a big meal
Possible causes are acid reflux or heartburn. The way to cope is to take medicine from the pharmacy and avoid eating oily foods in large portions. If the pain lasts for several weeks, contact your doctor immediately.

2. Pain around the navel and under accompanied by gas

This condition may be caused by constipation or bloating. Constipation or more commonly known as hardening of the stool constipation due to excessive and difficult to remove and cause abdominal pain. The way to cope is to take laxatives which can be obtained at a pharmacy or nonsteroidal anti gases. If the pain lasts for more than two weeks, immediately consult a doctor to diagnose early the possibility of more serious disease.

3. Sudden pain around the navel, accompanied by nausea, fever, vomiting, loss of appetite
If the stomach is experiencing conditions, may be caused by disease or apendistis appendicitis. Usually accompanied by pressure on the bowel or stiffness of the abdominal muscles. Appendicitis must be quickly addressed medically. Because if not, the appendix will burst and infected fluid could leak into other parts of the abdomen. Stiff muscles in the abdomen is a sign that the infection began to spread.

4. Sudden pain in the right side of the abdomen and spread to other parts of the abdomen or back
This condition may be caused by gallstones or gallbladder inflammation. If pain persists or worsens after eating oily foods, consult a doctor condition.

5. Sudden pain below the navel and spread to both sides of the navel
Possible cause is a disorder of the intestine, urinary tract infection or pelvic inflammatory disease. If the pain continues to worsen, contact your doctor to get the diagnostic tests and get medical help quickly.

6. Sudden pain near the lower ribs radiating to the groin
This condition may be caused by kidney stones or, if accompanied by a fever may be a symptom of kidney or bladder infection. If so, you have to be quick drink lots of water and see a doctor immediately to be checked. Most cases of kidney stones may pass on their own, but sometimes requires surgery. The condition is even worse if you get a fever.

7. Sudden pain and pain in the left lower abdomen accompanied by fever, nausea, or vomiting
The possibility of this is caused by Crohn's disease, colitis, diverticulitis or other problems in the colon. Consult a physician condition. Your doctor will probably advise you to undergo colonoscopy or bowel penerawangan. Long-term treatment may be needed to cope with this condition.

8. Sudden pain with bloody diarrhea, blood in the stool or vomiting blood

This might be due to a blockage in the intestine, the appendix is ​​perforated or bleeding in the intestine. These are symptoms of internal bleeding, so you should get medical help as soon as possible.

9. Discomfort in the stomach that comes slowly and repeatedly until several weeks or months
If the condition is sometimes accompanied by diarrhea, bloating constipation, or abdominal bloating, may be caused by chronic diseases such as lactose intolerance, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcers, food intolerance, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis or celiac disease. Immediately consult a doctor condition that might lead to a gastroenterologist for further treatment.

10. Abdominal pain accompanied by headaches

Conditions abdominal pain and sudden headache often occurs in older people, especially who have the habit of smoking or having high blood pressure. This may be caused by abdominal aortic aneurysms, which can lead to aortic dilation fatal bleeding. Seek immediate medical help to deal with it.

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