Multiple Modes of Transmission of HIV Disease

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Many people who do not know about modes of HIV transmission, so many myths knowing transmission of HIV. Unfortunately, the myth has been spread in the community, so as if the myth is true.

HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus, a virus that attacks the human immune system. AIDS stands for Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome. AIDS develops after virus (HIV) attacks the immune system over the next five to ten years or more. The immune system becomes weak, and one or more diseases can arise. Due to weak immune system before, some diseases can be more severe than usual.

HIV is present in most body fluids, such as:

  • Blood
  • Sperm
  • Vaginal discharge
  • Breast milk

HIV transmission is usually through sexual intercourse that let blood, semen, or vaginal fluid of people with HIV to enter the bloodstream of an uninfected (ie unprotected intercourse is done through the vagina or rectum; well through the mouth, although the probability is very small). Other mode of HIV transmission is by using used syringes to others, and containing HIV-infected blood, blood transfusion infected with HIV. And that needs to be considered is the transmission of HIV from mothers to babies in the womb, during childbirth, and if breastfeeding alone.

One way of preventing the transmission of HIV is to get used to having a toothbrush and razor itself, because in addition to personal hygiene, if there would be no risk of transmission of blood with other viruses that transported blood flow (such as hepatitis), not just HIV. The most important thing is getting healthy by not using drugs, faithful partner, use a condom when having sex and avoid things that can transmit the HIV virus.

Many myths say that the handshake can transmit the HIV virus, but it is wrong. In addition there are also things that do not transmit HIV eg kissing, hugging, coughing, sneezing, using household appliances together as using utensils, telephone, bathroom, bedroom and others. Mosquito bites is not a way of HIV transmission. Even public facilities nor a transmission path for example swimming pools, public toilets, a sauna, and others.

HIV can not be transmitted through the air, because the HIV virus can quickly die if it is outside the body. The HIV virus can be killed if a bodily fluid containing it cleaned with bleach or with soap and water. The HIV virus can not be absorbed by the skin, if the skin itself is not injured. However, if there is a wound, it is likely the HIV virus can enter the body.

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