How to Maintain Eye

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How to Maintain Eye To Stay Healthy Naturally - in general we as humans often forget things - small things that sometimes are always considered trivial, as its terms of health premises in our eyes, did you ever notice and maintain their health? actually if we want we can take care of our eyes with some tips you can do to know how to care for the eye so that our eyes stay healthy and always fresh, many ways, from the natural way in treatment or using modern medicine, but try reading the tips below is to determine whether our eyes healthy?

here are some tips on how to care for the eye to stay healthy

1. Frequent blinking.

Why should frequent blinking? With a blink, the eyes will produce tears moistening function. So that our eyes are not dry. It may feel strange when you have frequent blinking. When we're working at the computer, watching television or reading a book we can forget wink. As a result, we often feel our eyes dry and sore.

2. Notice the lighting in the room

Adjust the lighting in the room is needed for comfort devastating for us, especially in vision. Use the right portion to adjust the lighting in each room. Like workspace, use the light that feels comfortable for our eyes. Do not be too bright or too dim.

3. Use the on-screen Computer Security

If you frequently work with a computer or laptop do not forget melengkap monitor with a protective screen. In order for our vision to be free of radiation emitted by the screen.

4. Avoid places - a lot of smoke.
The smoke can be irritating to the eyes is mandatory to avoid. It should also be noted that we should reduce the flow of air passing through the eye. Suppose if we use a fan, try not to air flow from the fan is too often pass through the eye. This could cause our eyes dry.

5. Move your eyeballs

If irritation persists we should move our eyeballs rotate - turn your eyes closed in a state. Hold the closed eyes with the palms for 10 seconds.

6. Steam both eyes

To overcome the fatigue in our eyes is by evaporation. Use the betel leaf. The trick, put some into wadh betel leaves, then pour hot water. Bow your face on top of the container. In this way the burden eye fatigue will be lost.

7. Use eye drops

We can use the eye drops to solve our eyes are tired or irritated. But we need to be wise in using it. Use the appropriate instructions for safe use of the eye and if necessary, consult your eye doctor if there are complaints on our vision, especially in our eyes.

nah friends all how? whether the way eye care can be applied over and you've noticed your eye health?

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